To rest up for the marathon tomorrow, I went to the track and ran a mile this afternoon. I am suspending my workouts at Nautilus until I get those stitches out of my back. Except for breaking my streak for 4 days in October, this has been a good running year. I completed 45 races in 2009, up from 39 in 2008. Here are the distances:
50K (31 miles) - 2
Marathons - 6
18.2 miles -1
25K (15.5 miles) - 1
Half Marathon (13.1 miles) - 1
10K (6.2 miles) - 3
5 miles - 1
3.9 miles - 1
3.85 miles - 1
3.5 miles - 1
5K (3.1 miles) - 26
3.0 miles - 1
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Streak Commemoration Run
John Wallace III of Seattle and his father, John Wallace, Jr. of Ishpeming, Michigan, both completed 20-year running streaks today. Also, Mark Washburne of Mendham, New Jersey completed 20 years today. I have gotten to know both John and his father through the U. S. Running Streak Assn. In 2004, John III completed a cross-country run of 3,800+ miles from Washington state to Georgia and he did it without a support vehicle. Click here for his web site. In 2007, John, Jr. and his wife, Karen, completed a run from Michigan to Mississippi. Click here for their web site. Karen has a current streak of 4+ years. I am in awe of these runners.
To commemorate their 20-year streak, John III set up a 4-mile run in Seattle and invited everyone to join him there or wherever they live. So, I ran 4 miles this afternoon on Veterans Memorial Parkway in Huntsville to commemorate their streak. Congratulations to all of them.
To commemorate their 20-year streak, John III set up a 4-mile run in Seattle and invited everyone to join him there or wherever they live. So, I ran 4 miles this afternoon on Veterans Memorial Parkway in Huntsville to commemorate their streak. Congratulations to all of them.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Last Surgery
I went down to The Woodlands today and got the stitches out of my face and had more surgery on my back to remove a spot (3 inch incision). Before heading back to Huntsville, I stopped by Luke's Locker and bought a couple pair of running shoes. After getting back, I made the mistake of working out at Nautilus. That was not good for my stitches. It was almost dark when I left Nautilus, so I ran a 2-mile loop on the roads. I'll do more tomorrow, then taper on Thursday for the marathon on Friday.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Would Have Been 7
It just dawned on me. As of yesterday, my streak would have been 7 years, if it had not been that doctor who did a bad diagnosis on my knee in October. Oh well, my new streak is over 2 months now and I'll reach 7 years when I get to be 75 years old. After working out at Nautilus this afternoon, I ran 3 miles on the roads in town. Tomorrow, more surgery.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Sunday Night 5K
I went down to The Woodlands this evening and ran The Woodlands Running Club's Sunday Night 5K (same course as the Run the Woodlands yesterday). J. C. Guzman was also there. I finished in 32:44, 3 seconds faster than yesterday.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Empty Streets
Most of my family is coming in tomorrow afternoon, so we had a rather quiet Christmas Day. I went out and ran my 2.9 mile loop around town this afternoon. There was virtually no traffic.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wet Trails
The group met up at the park at 11 a.m. today to run trails. With all the heavy rain last night, we figured parts of the outer loop would be flooded. So, we decided to run a 4.1-mile course instead. Parts of that course were flooded, but we were able to maneuver around the bad spots. Nice run. Merry Christmas to anyone reading this blog.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Stormy Night
It is stormy tonight, but I managed to get in a mile run at the track this afternoon after working out at Nautilus. Trails tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
More Surgery Today
I went down to The Woodlands today for additional surgery on my face. After a workout at Nautilus, I met up with the group at the park this evening. Instead of running trails and facing the chance of falling and tearing 2 inches of stitches, I ran 5 miles on the park roads while the rest of the group ran trails.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Three on Empty Streets
After working out at Nautilus this afternoon, I ran 3 miles on relatively empty streets. All the Sam Houston students are on Christmas break.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Rare Morning Training Run
If you have read this blog for long, you will know that I rarely do a training run in the morning. I much prefer evening runs. I met up with the group at the park this morning and ran 7 miles on the trails. Nice weather and the trails are in excellent shape.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
I thought my 2.9 mile loop around the campus would be nice with no traffic now that the fall semester is over and the students are out for the holidays. I headed down Bobby Marks Drive and ran smack into the crowd leaving the coliseum for the mid-term graduation ceremony. Lots of vehicle and foot traffic. I suppose from now through mid-January, it will be quiet in town and nice running on the roads.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Back to the Park
I went out to the park this afternoon and ran 3.5 miles (Marisa's Course) on the trails. Talk about running weather and the trails being in good shape.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Small Group
I went over to the track this evening to run the avenues with the group. The temperature was in the 40's and the rain had stopped. I was the only one who showed up. So, I ran a 2.9 mile loop around town.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
3.1 on the Roads
After working out at Nautilus this evening, I went to the track and ran 3.1 miles on the roads from there. Nice running weather and no aches or pains.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I went down to The Woodlands this morning for some outpatient surgery to remove a spot from my face and then ran the hills in the avenues with the group this evening. Since the park is closed during the week for hunting for the next few weeks, the group is meeting at the track at 4:30 p.m. to run the avenues. I had to attend a Christmas dinner tonight, so I ran 2.1 miles. I feel like I am fully recovered from the marathon on Sunday, even though I am probably not.
Monday, December 14, 2009
White Rock Marathon
I ran the White Rock Marathon in Dallas for the first time yesterday. My time was 5:41:19, compared to 6:00:20 in Tulsa three weeks ago. Not that my time was great, but it was my best marathon time since Houston in 2005. After my Tulsa experience, I drank a lot more water and Gaterade at the aid stations every two miles and after the race. Other than walking through the aid stations to drink, I ran the entire distance and finished without any particular aches or pains. The aid station at mile 19 (operated by Hooters) was so good that I doubled back and went through it again. The temperature and weather in Dallas was about the same as Tulsa and ideal for marathon running. I ran into several good friends at the race, to include Briana Kretzschmar, Dave Nelson and Beth Whitehead. And, thanks to Beth, who ran the half marathon, for waiting around for my finish.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Two on the Road
Since I am headed for Dallas tomorrow morning, I did a 2-mile loop on the roads in town this afternoon. I'm ready for Sunday.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Jingle Bell Run in The Woodlands
For the third straight year, I went down to The Woodlands tonight to run the Woodlands Fit Jingle Bell Run along the waterway. Ben went down with me and ran. Marilynn went down to shop. The run was untimed and started and finished at Luke's Locker behind the Mall. According to someone's GPS, the course, mostly along the waterway, was 3.5 miles. I forgot to time myself, but I am sure I ran fast. Other club members at the run were Pamela Walton and J. C. Guzman. Most of the runners met at Berryhill for dinner and conversation after the run. We had a great time. Thanks to Coach Beth Whitehead of Woodlands Fit for putting on this fun event.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
U.S. Running Streak Association
Today, I received in the quarterly newsletter (more like a book) from the U.S. Running Streak Assn. They printed my broken streak announcement letter and then did a tribute page. That was nice. The good news is that my friend, Vince Attanucci of The Woodlands, moved up one on the new national streak list.
This evening, I ran a 2.2-mile loop around town and then went to a Master Gardener dinner with Marilynn. No running buddies there.
This evening, I ran a 2.2-mile loop around town and then went to a Master Gardener dinner with Marilynn. No running buddies there.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
No Long Training Runs Needed
I suppose one of the advantages of running marathons every week or so is that long training runs are not needed. One marathon becomes the last long training run for the next one. I will be doing the White Rock Marathon in Dallas on Sunday, 8 days after the Texas Trail 50K. I have not done marathons that close together, but I think I will be okay. In any case, it is part of my training for two marathons in the same weekend in February. Scroll down to the bottom for my race schedule. I ran 3 miles on the streets around town this afternoon and then worked out at Nautilus.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Late Night Run
I was tied up most of the day and did not get a chance to run until about 10 tonight. It was cold and rainy, so I went to Nautilus and ran on the treadmill. How can anybody do that on a regular basis?
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Sunday Track Run
Obviously, after the 50K yesterday, I took today off and ran a mile at the track this afternoon. All my parts were working okay.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Texas Trail 50K and Downhill Dash

It has been a long day. I got up early, picked up Chris Wilson and we met up with other club members at the park for the Texas Trail Runs, the replacement race for Sunmart. Most of us ran the 50K. The race started at 7:30 and the temperature was 25 degrees and only got up to 45 during the afternoon. While my running was rather slow, I did very little walking. I got distracted by some bikers and some other runners and fell twice during the first 12-mile+ loop. Not bad falls, though. I finished in 8:25:35, certainly not my best on this course, but not my worst. When you are 68 with bad knees, any finish is good.
The club held the Downhill Dash at 6 this evening. This was a 1.23-mile run down the Christmas Parade route, just before the parade began. I'm not sure how many runners we had. My job was to take the male and female winners with their trophies back to the parade start in my VW bug and give them a ride in the parade. Fernando Gonzales and Destiny Perrodin were the winners and they had a great time.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Promoting the Downhill Dash
The club's Downhill Dash is tomorrow night and I spent much of today at Mance Park Middle School speaking to five 7th and 8th grade classes about the Downhill Dash and running in general. That was interesting, especially since it was snowing outside and most of them had never seen snow. Then, I did a one-mile run at the track and tonight I picked up my packet for the Texas Trail 50K at the Huntsville State Park tomorrow morning. Marilynn, Ben and I had the pre-race dinner at the SHSU cafeteria. Ed and Trudy Thompson joined us and we had a nice visit. Gotta get up early tomorrow. It is suppose to be 29 degrees at the start and get up to 45 in the afternoon. At least, it is not suppose to rain or snow during the race.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
I met up with the group this evening at the park, but kept my run to about 2.5 miles. Another short run tomorrow and then the 50K on Saturday.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Short Run
I had to run errands down in Conroe this afternoon, so I did a one-mile run at the track before leaving. It was cold, but it is suppose to be much colder for the 50K at the park this Saturday.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Wet Park Run
The group at the park this evening was rather small - me and John. We did 4.2 miles on the trails and it rained the whole time and it seemed to get colder during the run. After the run, we didn't even hang around for a beer.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Short Road Run
I spent some time today polishing up my 74 VW bug convertible for the Christmas Parade on Saturday. The club is putting on the 1.23-mile Downhill Dash, which will start at 6 p.m., down the Christmas Parade route just before the parade begins. The male and female winners get trophies and then are taken back to the parade starting point and ride in the parade in my bug. I will be doing the 50K at the park that morning, so I hope I cab handle the clutch and brakes. After a workout at Nautilus this afternoon, I went to the track and then ran a 2-mile loop around town. Ben and I went to the Sam basketball game tonight.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Outer Loop
I had planned on going down to The Woodlands this evening for the Sunday Night 5K. However, the traffic on I-45 would be at a standstill on Sunday evening after a holiday. Instead, I went out to the park late this morning and ran the 6.8-mile outer loop.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Leftover Turkey 10K
I ran the club's Leftover Turkey 10K this morning, out and back on hilly Veterans Memorial Parkway. My time was 1:10:39. It was my 104th 10K race since I started racing in 1983. We had 41 runners running the 10K, 5K or 1-mile race this morning. This was one of the largest crowds we have ever had for a club run. Darren Grant did a great job as the race director and got accurate times on everyone.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Easy Day
After doing yard work this afternoon, I went over to the track this evening and ran a mile.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Run Thru the Woods 5-Miler
Ben and I got up early this morning and went down to The Woodlands to run the Run Thru the Woods 5-Miler. This was my 8th straight year to run this race. I ran the distance in 53:32, which was my best time in this race since 2004. Ben ran it in 52:33. It was nice visiting with so many friends at the race. We had a nice Thanksgiving with our family this afternoon and evening and hope you did also.
My times in the Run Thru the Woods:
2009 - 53:32
2008 - 58:47
2007 - 56:12
2006 - 58:56
2005 - 57:28
2004 - 53:14
2003 - 54:03
2002 - 51:10
My times in the Run Thru the Woods:
2009 - 53:32
2008 - 58:47
2007 - 56:12
2006 - 58:56
2005 - 57:28
2004 - 53:14
2003 - 54:03
2002 - 51:10
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
4.6 with Leslie
Leslie McKinney, a high school teacher from Baton Rouge, was in Huntsville for Thanksgiving and we got together this afternoon for a trail run at the park. We did 4.6 miles Of course, I made sure I was hydrated. This evening, I met with the new club officers to plan club events for 2010. I will get it on the web site soon.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Feeling Good
I feel like I have fully recovered from the marathon on Sunday and the subseqent dehydration. I mowed the grass this afternoon, worked out at Nautilus and then ran 3 miles on the roads at the park this evening.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Route 66 Marathon

Marilynn and I drove up to Wylie (just east of Dallas) Friday and spent the night with George and Shannon and their family. On Saturday, we drove up to Tulsa, OK for the Route 66 Marathon on Sunday. I had never been to Tulsa and somehow thought the place was flat. The first half of the marathon criss-crossed the city and was up and down hills. At the 13.1-mile point, we got to street along the Arkansas River. Then, it up just past the 20-mile marker and then back to the finish line at 26.2. The temperature at the start of the marathon was 43 and at the finish it was in the 60's. My goal was to break 6 hours. Except for walking through the aid stations every two miles, I ran the entire distance. I expect the hills slowed me down some and the "up the river" segment was into a headwind. The last 6 miles was downwind and it got rather warm. I ended up finishing in 6:00:20. I had really expected to finish in about 5:45, but I'll take any marathon finish. After the race, we drove back to Wylie and then drove back to Huntsville this afternoon.
I went to Nautilus and worked out this evening. Then, on the way to the track to get in a run, I stopped to gas up my truck. I got dizzy and almost fell. I drove over to the track, but was too dizzy to run and drove home, instead. My blood pressure was high, so I called my doctor. He said to go to the emergency room. I spent a couple hours there. They did a catscan and ran a lot of other tests and gave me an IV. All the tests came back negative and they concluded that I was dehydrated. I felt better after the IV and went to the track on the way home and ran a mile. No problem, I could have done more.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Marathon Ready
I ran 4+ miles on the trails at the park this evening with the group. I'll do short runs tomorrow and Saturday. I feel good about the marathon on Sunday, since I got in a 50K three weeks ago, I've lost 15 pounds, the course is flat and the weather is suppose to be in the mid-40's at the start, with a high of 64.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
One Month
Today marked one month on my new streak. Better still, I have only missed 17 days of running since December 1997. I ran a 2+ mile loop around town this evening.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
With a marathon in Tulsa on Sunday, I am tapering this week and trying to get the pain out of my left knee. I did an easy 3 miles on the roads at the park this evening, while the others ran trails. I am considering adding another marathon to my list, the Miracle Match Marathon in Waco on January 31. That would be two weeks after Houston and two weeks before my two marathons in one weekend on February 13 and 14. Waco is billed as the toughest marathon in Texas. I ran it once before; nothing but steep hills from mile 14 to 24.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Kneeded the Day Off
After doing 9 yesterday, I had some knee pain today. So, I went to the track after working out at Nautilus and ran a mile. Tonight, Ben and I went to the Sam Houston basketball game with Texas College.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sunday Morning Run
I had to attend a funeral this afternoon, so I ran trails at the park this morning. I did 9 miles around the outer perimeter of the park and luckily, did not get shot by a deer hunter. Robert Duncan ran with me for about 5 miles. I would like to say that I ran at his speed, but that was not so. Congratulations to club members, Mark Robinson and Jerry Flanagan, for completing the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon San Antonio this morning and to Roger and Patsy Collins for completing the Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Working and Running
I got up early this morning, put out road signs for the Kats for the Cause 5K on the SHSU campus and then set up and operated the finish line. They also had a 1-mile race, but we only timed the 82 runners finishing the 5K. Thanks to club member, Glen Carter, and several student volunteers, we accurate race results for everybody. Congratulations to club member, Robert Duncan, for his first place overall win with a time of 20:14 on the hilly course. Other club members running were Darren Grant, Lavonne Zaiontz, Karen Fowler, John Slate and a new member, Courtney West from Willis. After I retrieved the signs and equipment and put it in storage, I ran a 4.4-mile loop around town. Then, I went to the Sam Houston-Central Arkansas football game. I finished up the race results tonight.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I know the doc told me to stay off the trails, but cooler weather and nice trails at the park are hard to resist. I run more cautiously, because I know that I have to keep from tearing the remaining 20 percent of my quadriceps. I met up with the group this evening and ran 4+ miles.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Happy Veterans Day
Happy Veterans Day to all you veterans. I spent 22 and a half years in the Army and have five brothers who also served in the Armed Forces. Two of my kids also served. Lisa spent four years in the Army and Tim is currently a Marine somewhere on the other side of the world. I celebrated by running 4.4 miles on the roads in town this afternoon.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Diversion from the Topic of Running
I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but I tend to accumulate email messages. I was up to over 5,200 incoming and over 5,500 outgoing message still on my computer. I spent a lot of time today deleting many of them, one by one. I often go back and refer to old messages, so I am being careful as to which ones I delete. I still have a long way to go. Does anyone else have this problem?
I did meet up with the group at the park this evening and ran 4 miles on the trails. Nice weather. Before going into the park, I did have a nice visit with with Jesse Parker, XC Coach at SHSU and a Seven Hills Running Club member, who was out there with his team.
I did meet up with the group at the park this evening and ran 4 miles on the trails. Nice weather. Before going into the park, I did have a nice visit with with Jesse Parker, XC Coach at SHSU and a Seven Hills Running Club member, who was out there with his team.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Cell Phones Scare Me
While running a 2.9-mile loop on the streets in town this evening, I almost got hit by a girl talking on a cell phone. I had to dodge her to keep from getting hit. It was a good thing that she was walking across the street and not driving a car. It was scary. She was so engrossed in her telephone conversation, she had no idea I was running by.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Easy Day
After 18.6 miles yesterday, I went to the track this afternoon, visited with club member, Len Hill, for a while and then ran a mile on the track.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Two Streak Races in One Day
There are several races that I run every year and I call them my streak races. Two of them are the Ramp Romp and the Rocky Raccoon Trail Run and both were scheduled for today. The Ramp Romp 5K in College Station did not start until 10 a.m. and the Rocky Raccoon 25K at the Huntsville State Park started at 7 a.m. Thanks to Paul Stone, the Rocky Raccoon race director, I was able to run the Ramp Romp and then come back to Huntsville and start the Rocky Raccoon about noon. The Ramp Romp starts at Kyle Field on the Texas A&M campus, runs one-mile around campus and then 2.1 miles up and down all three sets of ramps at the stadium. Even if you are use to running hills in Huntsville, the ramps are a challenge. It is something different and I always find it fun. I finished in 32:11. I left the finish chute, grabbed two bottles of water and headed back to Huntsville. When I got to the park about noon, when most of the 25K and 50K runners had already finished. Paul let me start and keep my own time. I finished the 25K course in 3:57:11, which is proof that I did not take any shortcuts. It was the first ime that I had ever run a race all alone. No aid station, other runners to run with and no one at the finish line. I carried a water bottle and some GU and Marilynn left me a bottle of water at the aid station on the back side of the park. It was relatively hot this afternoon and I don't think I would have made it without the bottle that she left for me. I was really dehydrated by the time I finished. I headed straight for a vending machine in the park for a large diet Coke. Then, I drove out to the aid station in the back of the park and took down the club's pop-up canopy and then went back to the lodge and pick up the race clock.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Day Off
Since I am running two races tomorrow, I only ran a mile at the track this afternoon. This evening, I picked up my packet for the Rocky Raccoon 25K at Huntsville State Park and then Marilynn and I drove to the back of the park to set up the aid station. She and others will be going out there very early tomorrow to operate the aid station.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Exploratory Run
The group met at the park this evening. Since I am driving out to the back side of the park tomorrow to set up the Seven Hills Running Club's aid station for the Rocky Raccoon Trail Run on Saturday, I ran to certain parts of the road to see if they are drivable. At one point, I stopped and filled in some deep holes in the road with nearby cut logs. I ended up running about 3 miles. Then, I went to the club meeting, where we elected the rest of the new officers for the year. It was a good meeting and many decisions were made. I think the club is off to a good start for the year.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
2.9 in Town
After working out at Nautilus this evening, I ran a 2.9 mile loop around town. Felt good.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Trails at the Park
I met up with the group this evening and ran 4.2 miles on the trails. Nothing was sore from the 50K on Saturday and my quadriceps are still intact.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Easy Monday
After returning to Huntsville last night and having a Mexican dinner with Marilynn, I went to the track and ran one mile at 10 p.m. Actually, I felt okay. After a workout at Nautilus this evening, I went to the track and ran a 2-mile loop around town. I felt like I could have run much further, but I know that I needed the rest after the 50K on Saturday.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Helen Klein Classic 50K

I ran the Helen Klein Classic 50K (31 miles) in Sacramento, CA yesterday. The race is directed by Norman Klein, who directed the Western States 100-miler in California for 14 years and Sunmart Texas Trail Endurance Run at Huntsville State Park for 10 years. That is where I got to know Norman and his wife Helen. Helen started running at age 55 and holds about 75 world and U. S. records for long distance running. They are both very inspiring people and it was good to visit with both of them.
The first and last two miles were on a single-file rocky dirt trail. The rest of the course was out and back on a asphalt bike trail along the American River. It was a beautiful course and the trees were in full color. There were a few flat stretches, but mostly it was up or down hills. I felt good until I hit the wall at about 21 miles. (my lack of multiple long traing runs caught up with me). During the last 10 miles, I did more walking than running. My finish time was 8:17:25.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Rested Up
I'm rested up for the 50K on Saturday in California - maybe too rested. I went out to the park this evening to meet up with the group. It was raining, as it did all day, and no one else showed up. So, I went to Nautilus, worked out and then ran on a treadmill. That's the first time I have run on a treadmill in probably a couple years. How can anyone do distance on treadmills?
Track Run
I went to the track this evening, with the intention of running the roads from there. Randy Woodward was there finishing up his run. He had a half mile to go and I ended up running a mile with him. We talked a while and I had to leave to pick up Marilynn at the airport.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Easy Run at the Park
I'm tapering for the 50K this Saturday. I ran 3 miles on the roads at the park this evening. Marilynn gets back from Chicago tomorrow night. Except for coffee cups, I have no dirty dishes in the sink. All the restaurants in town, except those that serve stuff from the water, did well the last few days.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Rainy Run
I was asked to attend a meeting at the university late this afternoon at about the same time I planned to run. So, I ended up running a mile+ in the rain in my neighborhood before the meeting. Then, I went straight to a restaurant to have dinner with Ben and his friend.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Sunday Night 5K
Not being a early morning person, I like these evening races. I went down to The Woodlands this evening for the Sunday Night 5K. I ran it in 31:36, my fastest time on this course since November 2004. Think what I could do with 100% of my quadricepts. Jason and Laura from Huntsville were also there.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
I slept in this morning and had just enough time to run a mile before going to the Sam Houston - Stephen F. Austin game in Nacogdoches with Ben. We had a good time, but Sam lost badly. We sat with an old friend of mine, Jim Sawyer, of Center. He and I were officers in the Rose Runners in Tyler in 1985. I also saw Kori Estrada, who was a van-mate at the Texas Independence Relay last March. She is a school teacher in Lufkin, not far from Nacogdoches. It was so crowded, I could not reach her for a visit.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Early Start
I got up at 4 this morning to take Marilynn down to the airport for a flight to Chicago. She will be visiting our daughter, Lisa, and will come back on Wednesday. So, it was a quiet day at the house, not that she is that noisy when she is here. I went to Nautilus this evening and then did a 3.2 mile run around town. Gosh, I love this cooler weather.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Knee Felt Good
Since we had a Seven Hills Running Club meeting at 7 this evening, we had a small group at the park at 5:30. John and I met up with Laura and we did the three-mile loop. My knee felt good. I plan on doing the Sunday Night 5K in The Woodlands this weekend and the 50K in California on October 31. Congratulations to the new club officers elected at tonight's meeting.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Easy Day
I went over to the track this evening and ran laps. It was suppose to start raining and I figured I could not get in a long run anyway. Jill Baine, who just rejoined the Seven Hills Running Club after a 20+ absence, was running. She slowed down and ran a couple laps with me. I think I ended up with a mile and a half. At one time, Jill was the fastest female runner in Huntsville and at 48, she won her age group in the Huntsville 5K last Saturday with a time of 22:21. Anyway, its good to see her back in the club and running well.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Back to the Scene
I met up with the group at the park this evening and ran roads while everyone else did trails. I did the 3-mile loop, which included the spot where I faltered last Tuesday. I did not realize that I was running down a hill at the time.
Monday, October 19, 2009
A New Beginning
After not running for four days, I went to see an Orthopedic Surgeon today. He examined my knee, looked at the MRI and said that the 80% tear in my quadriceps did not occur last Tuesday. It had been there for some time. He said that the sharp pain I felt last Tuesday was probably due to an awkward step and the hitting of two bones together. He said that I could run as much as I wanted. So, I ran 2.8 miles on the streets this evening - with no pain. The beginnings of a new streak.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The Streak is Over
I went in for an MRI on my knee this morning and just got a call from my doctor. He said that I have an 80% tear in my quadricep and advised against any running until it is repaired. Any running right now may cause the other 20% to tear and a complete tear would be much more difficult to fix. So, my streak is over at 2,483 days (6 years, 9 months and 17 days). I'll accept it, get it fixed and try to get back to running as soon as I can. I have to call an Orthopedic Surgeon tomorrow and make an appointment. This is my last blog entry. Thanks for reading my entries.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Good Sign
I went to the doctor this morning about my knee. He said that I tore a muscle, strained a muscle or pinched something (I think he used more technical terms). I have to go in for an MRI tomorrow morning to find out the specific problem. My big worry was running today. I went over to the track and ran a very easy mile without sharp pain. I trust that that was a good sign. Tomorrow will tell. Hopefully, I will still get to run the half marathon on Saturday.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Something Happened to my Knee
What started off as a routine park road run this evening turned into a knee injury. I met up with the group and Mariah, James and I decided to run on the roads, while the rest ran trails. At at mile and a quarter, I suddenly felt sharp pains under my left knee cap. I could not continue. I started walking back and James went back to the Nature Center, got his car and came to get me. I sacrificed some of the ice cooling down my beer and put it on my knee. I'm not sure what is wrong with it. I hope I did not break something. I will try to see my doctor tomorrow. With my upcoming race schedule (scroll to the bottom), it is very frustrating. Thanks to James and Mariah for being so helpful or sorry for messing up your run.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Early Park Run
Lavonne and I went out to the park at 8:30 this morning and ran the 6.8-mile outer loop. I normally do not get up that early, but I had to get up early to return the engineer wheel that I borrowed this weekend to measure the course in town on Sunday. The park was virtually empty and we saw no wildlife, except for a large and docile copperhead along the trail.
Course Measurement Day
With an engineer wheel I borrowed from the city, I measured the 5K course to be used by the Kats for the Cause 5K here in Huntsville on November 14. It was basically the same course used for the CASA 5K last week. I shortened it up to a 5K (16, 404 feet). So, I walked that distance, plus some back and forth. Then, I went straight to the Hillcrest Huntsville Half Marathon Committee Meeting at the Fire Station. After that, Phillip came over to my house and we loaded race signs onto his truck. I squeezed in a 1-mile + run in the rain in my neighborhood, before going to church this evening. Busy day.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Long Run
I went out to the park this morning and did 18 miles alone. The trails were in good shape and no mud. The cooler weather felt good. I only took one light fall and that was at about 15 miles.
Forgot to Blog
It is after midnight on Friday and I am getting ready to hit the sack. I just realized that I had not blogged today. I spent much of Friday on final preparations for the Huntsville Half Marathon next week, including several trips to the T-shirt supplier okaying final prints. It looks good and I think the runners will like it. I squeezed in a 2.5 mile run around town in light rain this evening before taking the family out to dinner. Cool weather at last!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Tour de Bayou
I went down to Houston with Jacob and Leah this evening for Stage 2 of the Tour de Bayou. It was suppose to be a 4+ mile course up and down the bayou (cross country style). However, unless I have suddenly gotten real fast, it turned out to be a little over 3 miles. I finished in a little over 30 minutes, as I recall. The distance and times will be published later. Hot and humid conditions. Hans and John were also there. Ben Harvie, one of our club members from Houston, was also there. He is the fastest guy over 60 in Texas. This was Leah's first race ever, so she moved from being a "jogger" to a "runner." Congratulations to her and thanks to Jacob for driving down.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Cancelled Race
I had signed up for the Homecoming Kat Krawl 5K on campus Saturday morning, but got an email today saying that the race has been cancelled it for a number of reasons, i.e. half their volunteers are out sick and they only had 3 runners signed up. Darn, I may have placed in my age group. It is suppose to be relatively cool on Saturday, so I will plan on doing a long run at the park. I had better get with it; I have the 50K (31 miles) in California on October 31. I am keeping busy with a lot of the advance work for the Huntsville Half Marathon & 5K on October 17. Our entries are ahead of any previous year at this point in time. After a workout at Nautilus this evening, I went to the track and did a 2.9 mile loop around town.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Getting Back to Normal
We had a nice crowd at the park this evening. While I had some pain in my foot, I ran the 4+ mile loop with the group. Very warm and humid. I am ready for cold weather.
Monday, October 5, 2009
My foot was better today, but still painful. I ran a mile at the track this evening. I think I can do better tomorrow.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Ugly Mile
I developed a problem with my foot last night and I was up virtually all night with throbbing pain. I doctored it today and there was no question about keeping my streak going. I went out to the state park this evening and ran a little over a mile. It was ugly, but there was no one else around to watch the hobble. I had planned to do a long run this morning, but I will have to reschedule it until later in the week.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Long Day
I got up at 5:30 this morning and put out the signs for the CASA 5K Run at SHSU. I then worked the finish line for the race. After that, I ran a 2.9 mile loop around town. Then, Marilynn and I went to the Fair on the Square for a while. Ben and I went to the SHSU - St. Joseph's football game at 2 p.m. About 2 minutes into the game, they called a lightning delay. It resumed a little after three and then Ben and I sat through the game in continuous rain. SHSU won 41 to 0. I must be a dedicated fan. This evening, I have been trying to finalize the race results for the race this morning.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Planned Races
I added a list of my Planned Races to this blog. Scroll down to the bottom of this page. I have already signed up for most of them, so I hope I don't break a leg. I will probably add some shorter races as I go along.
Sorry to hear that Melissa Stelter has a stress fracture in her foot. She had planned to do the Huntsville Half and her first marathon in Kingwood on January 1. I wish her a speedy recovery.
I went over to the track this evening and met up with J. C. We ran a loop around town, which turned out to be 3.1 miles. Of course, when we got closer to the finish, J. C. took off and left me in his dust.
Sorry to hear that Melissa Stelter has a stress fracture in her foot. She had planned to do the Huntsville Half and her first marathon in Kingwood on January 1. I wish her a speedy recovery.
I went over to the track this evening and met up with J. C. We ran a loop around town, which turned out to be 3.1 miles. Of course, when we got closer to the finish, J. C. took off and left me in his dust.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Only Three of Us at the Park
Only three of us showed up at the park this evening, me, Phillip and Jacob. I did 3 on the road while they did trails. I know that Hans was running the Tour de Bayou in Houston this evening.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Quarter Marathon
Mariah and I did one loop of the Huntsville Half Marathon course (6.55 miles) this morning. I have to admit, while running in the morning (we started at 10) is unusual for me, the cooler temperature felt good. Mariah did well and she is a good running partner.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Back to the Park
I met up with Curtis and Phillip this evening at the park. I ran three miles on the road, while they ran trails. Mariah was there also, running a different course. She and I agreed to run the 6.55 mile Huntsville Half course tomorrow morning.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Recovery Run
I did yard work for much of the day and then ran a one mile recovery run at the track this evening.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Beat Up
I went out to the park this morning to run trails. I ended up doing 13.7 miles. I don't know what it was, the race yesterday, the heat today or the fact that I have not run trails much lately, but I fell hard several times. While I have three cuts on my leg and knee, I feel beat up.
Fall Fun Run 10K
It's early Sunday morning, so I am late blogging. I have been watching the Houston-Texas Tech game and it was just over. I ran the club's Fall Fun Run 10K this morning. The course was out and back on Veteran's Blvd. It was hilly and hot. I was getting use to that cooler weather we had early this week. We had 28 runners, most doing the 10K, but some the 5K and some the 1-Mile race. I ran the course in 1:12:33, slow but about 4 minutes faster than last year.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Well, I did it.
I signed up for the Austin Marathon today. It will be held on Sunday, February 14. I had already signed up for the Surfside Beach Marathon, which will be held the day before. I have never done back to back marathons, so this will be my challenge for the year. I'm committed now. I took the day off and ran a mile at the track this evening. I will run the club 10K tomorrow morning on Veteran's Blvd.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Easy Day
I accepted an invitation from Coach Bill West at Huntsville Intermediate School and gave a talk on running this afternoon to his 6th grade PE class. That was fun for me and I hope they enjoyed it. Hopefully, it will inspire some to take up running as a sport. I had asked for some advice from my friend, Donna Crocker, on how to best communicate with them. One of her suggestions was that I show them some medals. I brought a few marathon finisher medals and they seemed to enjoy looking at them. As a grand finale, I brought out the huge 2 1/2 pound Texas Marathon finisher medal from last January. They applauded the medal and everyone of them had to put it around their neck before I left the building. I invited them to participate in the club run this Saturday and hopefully some will.
We had a light group at the park this evening, just the hard core runners who don't care about the possibility of rain. It was me, Hans, John, Curtis and Jacob. There was no rain during our run. I did 3 on the roads, while the rest ran trails.
We had a light group at the park this evening, just the hard core runners who don't care about the possibility of rain. It was me, Hans, John, Curtis and Jacob. There was no rain during our run. I did 3 on the roads, while the rest ran trails.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Nine in Town
I cannot believe this 60+ degree temperature today. I ran all over Huntsville this afternoon and the course turned out to be 9 miles. I even ran past my old house and the yard looked terrible.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Empty Park
The park was virtually empty this evening. I ran 5 miles on the park roads with no traffic to contend with. After the rain today, it was much cooler and that felt good.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Losing Weight
I decided to lose some weight before running a bunch of marathons this year. I started two weeks ago and have lost 10 pounds down to 198. Obviously, I feel better, but there is a loss of strength. I needed to do a long run today, but decided to do five miles instead because of the heat. During the run, I started getting dizzy, so I walked a bit and cut the run to four miles. I'm not sure how far to go with the weight loss, but I think at least below 190. I was 184 for years before I retired from the Army in 1984. I was 159 when I came home from Vietnam in 1968. Even though I was a heavy smoker back then, I did get in some runs when I was back at the base camp. The 120 degree temperature helped keep the weight down, also.
I received my quarterly newsletter from the U.S. Running Streak Assn. ( today. I moved up a couple spaces on the streak list to 144 nationally. My friend, Vince Attanucci of The Woodlands, is 145 - and will stay behind me.
I received my quarterly newsletter from the U.S. Running Streak Assn. ( today. I moved up a couple spaces on the streak list to 144 nationally. My friend, Vince Attanucci of The Woodlands, is 145 - and will stay behind me.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
St. Anthony's 5K

I did a short run in Huntsville Friday morning and then drove to Wylie (northeast of Dallas) to spend the weekend with my son, George, and his family. On Saturday, George and I ran the St. Anthony's 5K, a race put on by his church. George was 4th overall and 2nd in his age group. I ran a 33:10 and came in 2nd in my age group. I did beat a few other runners, including a lady pushing triplets in a stroller. I got back to Huntsville late this evening and ran a couple miles in town.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Soggy Day
Now, we seem to be getting too much rain. It let up this evening just in time for our park run. I ran about 3.5 mile on the park roads, while the rest of the group ran trails.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Texas Marathon Triple
I received an email today from Steve and Paula Boone, directors of the Texas Marathon in Kingwood on January 1, telling me that the Texas Marathon Triple (TMT). The TMT began two years ago and provided recognition to runners who completed the Texas Marathon, Surfide Beach Marathon in February and the Seabrook Marathon in March. Puma has backed out of awarding a jacket, but the three races will award a special T-shirt and camp. I have completed the TMT the last two years and am signed up for all three races again this year. I will have to start of "Series Streak" list. I have also completed the Texas Marathon Challenge the last two years. This is any five Texas marathons in a year. I also plan to do the Marathons of Texas (White Rock, Houston and Austin) this year if they decide to continue with the program. The real challenge will be doing Surfide and Austin the same weekend. I had better start training. I met up with the group and the park this evening and did the 4.2 mile trail run with them.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Loop Around Town
I wrote my Running Shorts column for the Huntsville Item this morning and sent it in this afternoon for publication tomorrow. I wrote about running lingo, an idea suggested by Leah when we were running trails this weekend. Thanks, Leah. I worked out at Nautilus this evening and then ran a 3.1 mile loop around town.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Ten at the Park
There was a big bike race at the park this morning, so we were restricted on where we could run. Brian Zemlicka and Leslee Cade were just finishing up the outside loop when Leah and I got to the Nature Center. They said they had no problem with the outside loop. So, Leah and I ran the 6.8 mile outer loop. She had never run over five miles and she did well with the new distance. After we finished, I drove her back to her car and went back into the park. I ran a 3.2 mile course on the trails to give me 10 total. This was my first run on the trails in several months. Don't tell my doctor.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Bearkat Bash 5K
I went down to Spring this morning to run the Bearkat Bash 5K at Klein HS - for the 8th straight year. Cool, but very humid. Lots of rain during the drive down. I ran it in 33:18.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Today was my 2,450th consecutive day of running. To celebrate, I only ran 2 miles. Gotta race in the morning, anyway.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Flat Land Training
Us runners who run hills everyday need to run flat lands once in a while. I went down to Houston this evening for the Houston Marathon Kick-Off Party at Memorial Park, picked up my in-training T-shirt, had a couple beers, visited with a lot of friends and then ran the flat 3-mile Memorial Park loop. I did interupt my run with a stop to visit the bench dedicated to 45 year old Gary Price, the Houston Police Officer who died of a heart attack during the Huntsville Half Marathon in 1997. It was my first visit to the bench since the Houston Police dedication ceremony in late 1997. May he RIP.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Cooler, but Muggy
After working out at Nautilus this evening, I ran a 3.9-mile loop around town. While the temperature was cooler, the humidity was high. I wore a 100% cotton T-shirt, which weighed about five pounds by the time I finished the run. What did we do before they came out with tech shirts?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Empty Park
After a crowded weekend, the park was virtually empty this evening. Starting today, the group is meeting at 5:30 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday. While the group ran trails, Leah Koester, who just joined the Seven Hills Running Club, and I ran 5 miles on the roads. We had a nice visit and she put up with my slow pace.
Monday, September 7, 2009
I got up at 3 this morning to drive my Marine son, Timothy, to the airport for his flight back to Yuma. He deploys overseas on September 13. Then, I left at 3 p.m. to drive my daughter, Lisa, to the airport for her flight back to Chicago. So, I have been groggy all day. I spent much of my spare time today trying to talk to someone at Bank of America. I was looking at my checking account online and found that some company that I had never heard of or done business with made three drafts on my account this weekend. Bank of America does not have anyone to talk to anywhere about such things outside of normal business hours. I will be at the bank when it opens at 9 tomorrow morning. Running became a last priority today, but I did get over to the track late this evening and run a mile.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Crowded Park
I still had relatives at the house today, but I slipped out this evening and went to the park to run. It was packed. I ran a 5-mile loop on the park roads. Last Thursday when I ran the same course, two cars passed me during the entire run. Today, a hundred or so. Also, the smell of hamburgers everywhere.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Sluggish 5K
We had a big cookout at my house today and I ate too much. This evening, I ran the Avenues 5K course. I did not time my run and it's probably a good thing I did not.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Running Schedule Off
With Timothy visiting this week and a lot of relatives coming in this weekend, my running schedule will be a little off. We had photos taken this afternoon for the church directory and we went to the Sam footfall game tonight. I ran a 2.7 mile loop around town at noon and never made it to Nautilus. I have to pick up my daughter at the airport tomorrow morning. She is coming in from Chicago. Then, my son and his family are coming in from Wylie tomorrow evening. I guess it will be a mid-afternoon run tomorrow. I'll have to figure out when to run on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Normalcy returns on Tuesday.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Was it cooler today?
I did not check the temperature when I ran at 6 p.m. today, but it sure felt cooler. It is officially early fall? In any case, I did my 2.9 mile loop around town after working out at Nautilus.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Five at the Park
We had a lot of new people in the group at the park this evening, including my Marine son, Timothy. While everyone else ran trails, I ran 5 miles on the park roads. I felt strong the entire run. It seemed cooler, at least cooler than the 116 degree temperature during my run last Friday in Yuma.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Replacement Run for Sunmart Announced
I received an email this morning from Brad Childers in San Antonio. He is the race director for the new Texas Trail Runs (50K and 12.5 mile) at the Huntsville State Park on December 5, 2009. This is the replacement race for Sunmart. I will be meeting with him in the next two weeks. I'm tempted to go ahead and sign up for the 50K, even though I will be running the Dallas White Rock Marathon the next weekend. Since I'm doing a 50K in October and a marathon in November, I should be okay.
This evening, I went to Nautilus for my first workout in a week. I felt like I was starting over and had to go down on the weights. After my workout, I ran a 3.2 mile loop around town. The traffic was heavy and I came close to getting hit by a car. A lady was exiting a parking lot while lighting a cigarette. As I got out of her way, I slammed my fist on her hood to get her attention. She apologized and I was mad and did not hang around to accept it.
This evening, I went to Nautilus for my first workout in a week. I felt like I was starting over and had to go down on the weights. After my workout, I ran a 3.2 mile loop around town. The traffic was heavy and I came close to getting hit by a car. A lady was exiting a parking lot while lighting a cigarette. As I got out of her way, I slammed my fist on her hood to get her attention. She apologized and I was mad and did not hang around to accept it.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Back from Yuma
I got back from Yuma, Arizona this morning. I flew out there on August 22. My plan was to drive back to Huntsville with my Marine son, Timothy, who was coming home on pre-deployment leave. the Marines sent him to California for a week and he was not able to leave until August 29. Since my ticket was non-refundable, I went out there anyway and spent a week with my daughter, Mary, her Marine husand and the two grandchildren. I had a great visit, watched a lot of cartoons and changed a diaper for the first time in many years.
Timothy and I left Yuma at 8 a.m. yesterday, drove straight through and got to Huntsville at 8 a.m. today. I was like a Zombie when I got home. I got a little sleep in the truck, but we made sure who ever was driving was wide awake. The scary part of the drive were the deer. They were everywhere along I-10 and Hwy. 290 in Central Texas. We passed at least 100 next to the highway and at one point, we had to break for one in the middle of the road.
I stayed on the small Marine Air Station in Yuma while there and, of course, got in a run everyday. Even though, I ran once in the morning, most runs were in the evening. I never ran in less than 100 degree heat and on Thursday, it was 116 when I ran. Obviously, it was a dry heat, but heat is heat.
I ran my 2.9 mile loop this evening in Huntsville and I felt very sluggish.
Timothy and I left Yuma at 8 a.m. yesterday, drove straight through and got to Huntsville at 8 a.m. today. I was like a Zombie when I got home. I got a little sleep in the truck, but we made sure who ever was driving was wide awake. The scary part of the drive were the deer. They were everywhere along I-10 and Hwy. 290 in Central Texas. We passed at least 100 next to the highway and at one point, we had to break for one in the middle of the road.
I stayed on the small Marine Air Station in Yuma while there and, of course, got in a run everyday. Even though, I ran once in the morning, most runs were in the evening. I never ran in less than 100 degree heat and on Thursday, it was 116 when I ran. Obviously, it was a dry heat, but heat is heat.
I ran my 2.9 mile loop this evening in Huntsville and I felt very sluggish.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Streets Crowded Again
The students are back in town and the streets are crowded again with traffic - and everybody is talking on a cell phone. You have to be especially careful running the streets. I did my 2.9 mile loop around town and then had a Mexican dinner.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Small Crowd at the Park
We only had three at the park this evening, Hans, Marisa and I. Marisa ran fast on the trails and Hans and I did an easy three miles on the roads. In fact, there were very few campers at the park for a Thursday. Must have something to do with school starting.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Four at the Park
While the group ran trails at the park this evening, I ran four miles on the roads. Cooler after the rain today, but still humid.
Monday, August 17, 2009
New Streaker in Town
I'm happy to report that we have a new streaker in Huntsville. Jesse Parker, Track & Field Coach at Sam Houston State and member of the Seven Hills Running Club, has a running streak of 37 days. Congratulations, Jesse! Don't stop now. Jesse's blog is
I had "Mondayitus" today, so I did not feel like doing much. I went over to the track this evening after a workout at Nautilus and ran a 2-mile loop around town.
I had "Mondayitus" today, so I did not feel like doing much. I went over to the track this evening after a workout at Nautilus and ran a 2-mile loop around town.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
2 x 5K
I went down to The Woodlands tonight for the Sunday Night 5K. I finished in 33:10 and then ran the course again to get in some distance. I did not time the second 5K, but I'm sure I ran fast.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Club Picnic
We had our Seven Hills Running Club picnic this afternoon at the Elkins Lake Picnic area. Over 30 members attended. We had a great time visiting and playing volleyball. Thanks to my wife, Marilynn, and Lavonne and others for putting it together. And, thanks to my son, Ben, for doing the cooking.
I ran my 2.9 mile loop around town at noon today. Yesterday's rest helped the knees.
I ran my 2.9 mile loop around town at noon today. Yesterday's rest helped the knees.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Historical Tour
I decided to give my sore knees a rest today. So, I went over to the track and ran a mile in the middle of the afternoon.
I also finished writing a web page called, " Historical Tour of the Huntsville Half Marathon Course" and added it to the club web site. Runners of the Huntsville Half pass some historical places and I thought it would be nice if they had more information. Click here for the page. This weekend, I plan to take photos of the places mentioned and add those to the page.
I also finished writing a web page called, " Historical Tour of the Huntsville Half Marathon Course" and added it to the club web site. Runners of the Huntsville Half pass some historical places and I thought it would be nice if they had more information. Click here for the page. This weekend, I plan to take photos of the places mentioned and add those to the page.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Not So Hot
I know that a temperature in the 80's would seem really hot during other times of the year, but after all the high 90's and 100's of this summer, the 80's felt good this evening. The group met at the park this evening. Most ran trails, but Roger and Patsy Collins walked the roads and I ran 5 miles on the roads.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Late Run
Ben Harvie from Houston (fastest guy over 60 in Texas) was in Huntsville on business today. We got together for lunch and then visited the Texas Prison Museum.
Later this evening, we had a terrific storm on the west side of Huntsville (rain, hail, wind and lightning) for about 30 minutes. Our power went out during the storm and stayed out or an hour or so. With the power out, I fell asleep on the couch and did not wake up until about 7 p.m. I went to Nautilus and then ran from the track. I ran a 3.2 mile loop around town and it was totally dark when I got back to the track.
Later this evening, we had a terrific storm on the west side of Huntsville (rain, hail, wind and lightning) for about 30 minutes. Our power went out during the storm and stayed out or an hour or so. With the power out, I fell asleep on the couch and did not wake up until about 7 p.m. I went to Nautilus and then ran from the track. I ran a 3.2 mile loop around town and it was totally dark when I got back to the track.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
After Nautilus this evening, I did a 2.9 loop around town. After running, I stopped at a conveinience store and some guy said that he has seen me running around town and asked if I was over 50.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Sunday Night Habit
I went down to The Woodlands tonight for the Sunday Night 5K. My friend, Ed Thompson, was recovering from minor surgery and was not able to run. My time was 33:45. It was my 6th Sunday 5K and my 14th 5K race since May. The Sunday Night 5K will continue for the next 3 weeks.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Run the Woodlands 5K
Our Seven Hills Running Club had inter-club competition with The Woodlands Running Club at the Run the Woodlands 5K this morning. Only 7 club members showed up. We had another 4 non-club members who ran for the club, so we had a total of 11. Scoring was based on a combination of speed and participation; we lost. I ran 34:03.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Rare Morning Run
Since I had to attend a funeral this afternoon and I am going down to The Woodlands tomorrow morning for the SHRC-TWRC inter-club competition at the Run the Woodlands 5K, I ran at 11 this morning. I took a little different course around town and it ended up being 3.4 miles.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Andrew and Karen Moving to Lubbock

Andrew and Karen are moving to Lubbock. The group met up at the park at 5:30 this evening. After a mile plus, the run was interupped by a surprize party for them at the small parking lot along side Park Road 40. We had cake, ice cream and champagne. Thanks to Kathy Cook for setting up the party and thanks to Hans for the champagne. After the party, some carried on with their run, but most of us found rides back to the parking lot at the Nature Center. We wish Andrew and Karen the best. They have been welcome and regular members of the trail running group for the last year or so.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Around Town
I ran my 2.9 mile course around town about 7:45 this evening. It seemed much cooler than the park road run yesterday. Or, maybe it was the running in a new pair of shoes and with newly refurbished custom orthotics.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Park Roads
It was very hot and humid at the park this evening. Mary Sweeten, Austin Collins and I ran roads, while the others ran trails. I did 3 miles.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Mary is Back
Mary Sweeten is back from her vacation in Hampton, Virginia (I lived there for two years). She and I ran the Avenues 5K course at 7 this evening when it was still 97 degrees.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Another Sunday Night 5K
I am getting accustomed to the Sunday Night 5K in The Woodlands. The course is the same as the Run the Woodlands course, which I have run more than 30 times over the last few years. It is flat and accurate and it gives me a chance to see where I am in my training. The shots in my knees have helped and I have been able to improve my time. I ran again with my friend, Ed Thompson, and we ran 33:11 tonight, 7 seconds faster than last week. If I can knock off some weight, I think I can get under 30 for the first time in years. My 5K PR is 23:45 (1987). Brian Zemlicka and his son, Chris, 14, also ran. Bill Dwyer, Jon Walk and Adrienne Langelier managed the race and did a good job.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Dog Shortcuts
I went down to Houston this morning and spent all day helping my son, Kenny, with heavy work around his house, including lots of digging. I was really beat at the end of the day - and sunburned. I went to the track a little after 9 tonight to get in a run. While I was stretching at the gate, a girl running on the track passed the gate with her little dog running behind her. The dog stopped at the gate and watched her run around the track. When she got to the other side of the track, the dog ran across the field and joined her again. When they both got to the gate again, the dog stopped and did the same thing. I don't think this dog is into the sport.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Stressed Out
I was stressed out about something today and did not feel like running. So, I went to the track this evening and ran one mile.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Stormy Run
The group met at the park this evening. About the time we started running, it started raining and lightning. I cut my run to 3 miles on the park roads and it got a little worse as I finished. The others ran trails and everyone made it back safely.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Lazy Day
I got up at 9:30 this morning and didn't t do a lot all day. I guess that is retired life. After Nautilus this evening, I ran a 3.7 mile loop around town. It was hot, but what else is new?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Four at the Park
I did 4 miles on the park roads this evening with Stephanie and Mariah. The rest of the group ran trails.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Texas Marathon Triple and Marathons of Texas
The Texas Marathon Triple is apparently gone after just two years. The TMT consisted of the Texas Marathon in Kingwood on January1, the Surfside Beach Marathon in February and the Seabrook Marathon in March. Complete all three and you get a TMT jacket (donated by Puma), a cap and the first year, a T-shirt. Steve and Paula Boone direct the Texas Marathon. They told me that Puma will no longer provide the jackets and Surfside and Seabrook are dropping out. I guess that means that the TMT is gone. The other challenge is the Marathons of Texas, which consisted of the White Rock Marathon in December, Houston in January and the Austin Marathon in March. Do all three and get a jacket. They have not announced a 2009/2010 Marathons of Texas challenge and I have emailed them twice and have not received a reponse.
I had planned on doing both challenges this year, which would require doing the Surfside Beach Marathon on February 13 and Austin Marathon the next day. Now, I'm not sure what I am going to do. I have already signed up for White Rock, Texas Marathon in Kingwood and the Houston Marathon.
In the meantime, I ran my 2.9 mile loop around town this evening.
I had planned on doing both challenges this year, which would require doing the Surfside Beach Marathon on February 13 and Austin Marathon the next day. Now, I'm not sure what I am going to do. I have already signed up for White Rock, Texas Marathon in Kingwood and the Houston Marathon.
In the meantime, I ran my 2.9 mile loop around town this evening.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Sunday Night 5K
I went down to The Woodlands for the Sunday Night 5K at 7 p.m. My friend, Ed Thompson, and I ran together and we did 33:18. Not a great time, but my fastest on that course in about 12 races since March 2008. Had a nice visit with Jon Walk and Bill Dwyer, who were putting on the race. Waverly Walk was there helping, also.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Dog Days 5K
I got up early this morning to put out the signs for the club's Dog Days 5K Run & 1-Mile Run/Walk. Darren's daughter, Tamany, 13, was there to direct the race, since Darren is out of town. We had 25 runners and walkers show up, so I did not run and helped her. She did a great job getting everybody signed up, compiling the race results and presenting the ribbons to the winners. After the race, I met up with Brian Zemlicka and his son, Chris, Leslee Cade and her daughter, Becca, at the Cafe Texan on the square for breakfast. We had a nice visit. It was good to see a lot of new faces at the race and everyone seemed to have a good time. I had a pretty bad sinus headache all day, so I took it easy this afternoon. According to, a good rain was headed our way this evening. I rushed outside and put fertlizer on the front lawn, the kind that you have to water afterwards to keep the grass from burning. As you would expect, the rain never came. So, I have to go water my lawn tomorrow morning. Then, my neighbor's daughter drove up to my house and said her mother needed help with a snake on her front porch. I went down the street and killed the snake. Then, I drove into town to get in a run. When I got to the track, there was a light rain and lightning. I ran one mile and left. I needed a rest day, anyway.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Morning Run
Except for races, I do not normally run in the morning. However, Ben and I are going to the Astros game tonight, so I ran at 10 a.m. this morning. Meagan and I did the Avenues 5K course. While the temperature was probably around 80, the humidity was very high. In any case, it sure beats those 100 degree+ days.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Three at the Park
We had a good group at the park this evening. Meagan Lee joined us for the first time. She signed up for the Huntsville Half (her first) and will be running with us and increasing her distance. She ran 3 miles on the park roads with me and then we walked another mile. Norman Langwell was there for the first time in a long time. He and Tiffany Potter were doing 8 miles.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Easy 2.9
After Nautilus this evening, I did my 2.9 mile loop around town. My hamstring bothered me some, but I was careful with it. I made sure I stretched before and after my run. I stuffed several hundred envelopes today with Hillcrest Huntsville Half Marathon & 5K Run/Walk entry forms. Tomorrow, it's address labels and stamps and a trip to the post office. This is the mail out to last year's runners. So now, I have hang nails in addition to the hamstring problem.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Rehab Run
I met up with the group at the park this evening. I ran an easy two miles, while they ran trails. The hamstring seems to hurt more while running up or down hills. Maybe I'll have to go to The Woodlands for all my training runs.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Hamstring Acting Up
That darn hamstring that I pulled last summer is acting up again lately. It had been fine and I am not aware of a particular instance where I re-pulled it. I'll have to take it easy for a few days, not that I have been doing otherwise. After Nautilus this evening, I ran my regular 2.9 mile loop around town. The last half block is downhill and that it when it really hurt.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Rain, Wind and Hail
We had a heavy rain, with wind and hail late this afternoon. Surely, those big cracks in the yard were filled up with water. We had some people over for dinner this evening and I ate too much. Just before dark, I ran two miles on a full stomach.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Tour de Huntsville
The rain in Huntsville this afternoon really cooled things off. It was about 75 degrees when I went out to run at 6:30 this evening. I ran the Tour de Huntsville 5-mile course.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Will the Rain Revive the Dead Grass?
It was nice getting a good rain this morning, but I have so much dead grass, I'm not sure how much it will help. I also received my water bill today and it was three times the normal amount. Yes, it has been a hot and dry summer.
I did a two mile run this evening. Next month, I will start getting serious with my distance. Today, I signed up for the White Rock Marathon in December and the Houston Marathon in January. Right now, my marathon plans for this year:
October 31 - Helen Klein Classic 50K, Sacramento, CA
November - marathon, somewhere
December 13 - White Rock Marathon
January 1 - Texas Marathon, Kingwood
January 17 - Houston Marathon
February 13 - Surfside Beach Marathon
February 14 - Austin Marathon
March - Seabrook Marathon
I did a two mile run this evening. Next month, I will start getting serious with my distance. Today, I signed up for the White Rock Marathon in December and the Houston Marathon in January. Right now, my marathon plans for this year:
October 31 - Helen Klein Classic 50K, Sacramento, CA
November - marathon, somewhere
December 13 - White Rock Marathon
January 1 - Texas Marathon, Kingwood
January 17 - Houston Marathon
February 13 - Surfside Beach Marathon
February 14 - Austin Marathon
March - Seabrook Marathon
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Thursday Park Run
I spent most of the day in Kingwood and Houston. We had a good group at the park this evening. I ran 3 miles on the road, while the others ran trails.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Loop Around Town
I waited until nearly 8 p.m. this evening and did a 3.2 mile loop around town. Sure feels better running with the temperature in the mid-90's than the 100+.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Missed a Day
If you are one of the zero who probably read my blog every day, you may have noticed that I missed blogging yesterday. My computer picked up the swine flu and went crazy. I took it to the computer shop yesterday and got it back this evening. The same bug tried to attack it again tonight, but new anti-virus software they loaded on it blocked it. For right now, it's working. I did do a 2-mile run yesterday, when it was 100 degrees. This evening, the group met at the park and I did 3 miles with Mary on the park roads. I had to get back into town by 7:30 and Mary went on to do 2 more miles.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Sunday Night in The Woodlands
I went down to The Woodlands tonight for the Sunday Night 5K. I ran the whole thing with a friend, Ed Thompson. We both finished in 34:42. I appreciate Bill Dwyer and Jon Walk putting on this race for The Woodlands RC. Hopefully, we will have more Seven Hills RC runners down for the event as the summer progresses.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Late Run
I decided to beat the heat and run late this evening. So, I had dinner about 6 p.m. and started running about 8 p.m. The problem with that schedule is that it is hard to start running a couple hours after eating. I did a 2.9 mile loop around town and finished just as it was getting dark. I visited briefly with Sarah Spielvogel at the track before I ran. She has been busy with school and has not run at the park with us lately.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Up a Tree
I was up a tree this afternoon trimming branches. Going up and down a 24-foot extension ladder is tiring. I went to the track about 8 p.m. and ran at least a mile. That means I lost track of my laps and I probably ran 5 laps. Most of today was actually spent working on the entry form for the Hillcrest Huntsville Half Marathon. I just put a printable entry form on the club web site. That means that if you read this blog, you can sign up right now and be assured of getting a low bib number. Now, I have to work on online registration and the entry forms to be printed and distributed to the running stores and to the tennis center at Memorial Park.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Four at the Park
The group met at the park this evening. While the rest ran trails, Mary and I did four miles on the park roads. The temperature was over 100 today and it was near that at 6:30 p.m. when we ran. And, we still have nearly three more months of hot weather!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Ran with Mary
After a workout at Nautilus this evening, I went over to the track. Mary Sweeten was there and just ran a mile. She and I then ran a 2-mile hilly loop around town. Patsy Collins was running and walking at the track. She and Roger are planning their first half marathon in San Antonio in November.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
No One Complaining About the Rain
We started our run at the park this evening in a light rain. There has been so little rain this summer, no one complained. While the group ran trails, I stuck to the park roads. I did about 3.5 miles. New club members, Charles Walker and Jennifer Johnston ran trails with the group for the first time.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Summer Doldrums
During June and July, my running alway seems to be in the doldrums. It's too hot and without any long races coming up before October, there is not enough motivation for long runs. My runs seem to be stuck at around 3 miles. I did my 2.9 mile loop around town this evening after a workout at Nautilus. The shots in my knees seem to be helping. I have noticed that there are a lot more 5K races around during the summer than in the past. That's good. In 2008, I ran 39 races. I have already run 23 this year. My first long race this fall will be the Helen Klein Classic 50K in Sacramento, CA on October 31. So, I will have to get serious with my distance in August.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Texas World Speedway 5K
Since I run everyday, I'm always looking for something different. This evening (7:30), I ran the Texas World Speedway 5K in College Station. My time was 34:31, ten seconds faster than the 5K yesterday. It was good for 2nd place in the 51 and older age group (yep, there was only two of us). The course was a single loop around the race track. A front was moving through, so it was overcast and windy and not as hot as it would have been otherwise.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Stu's Country Mile 5K

As usual, a bunch of us from the club went up to Centerville for Stu's Country Mile 5K. It was hotter than usual, but we all survived. I ran a 34:41 and placed third in the 60 and over age group. Also, as usual, we met for breakfast at the Town Cafe and then watched the 4th of July parade around the square. While the race entry fee was only 10 bucks, Marilynn bought about 100 bucks worth of stuff at the booths around the square.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Back from Tyler
Marilynn and I attended a funeral in Tyler this morning and got back this evening. I took a day off and went to the track and ran a mile. I needed the rest, since I am running two 5K races again this weekend.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Mid-Day Run
Since I am going to Tyler this afternoon, I ran my 2.9 mile loop around town in the mid-day heat.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Last Shot
I got my last of three shots in my knees this afternoon. They already feel better, but it takes about 3 weeks after the last shot for the full effect (or is that affect?). So, I had to run this morning. I did a 2-mile loop around town.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Loop Around Town
After a workout at Nautilus this evening, I ran my 2.9 mile course around town. It was nice running in sub-100 degree weather, but it was humid as heck.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Rain, Finally
After over a month without a drop of rain, we finally got a 20-minute downpour about 9 p.m. tonight. It had rained earlier in town, but missed us here on the west side. My neighbor was complaining this afternoon that he bought a new riding lawnmower, but has not had a chance to try it out. Mayble the rain tonight will get the grass going. I ran my 2.9 mile loop in town this evening. The temperature was not so hot, but, of course, the humidity was high.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Sunday Night 5K
I went down to The Woodlands this evening for the Sunday Night 5K. Even though the temperature was still very hot, I should have run faster than the 35:41 that I turned in. Maybe it was the big Mexican dinner that I had for lunch.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Polish Pickle 5K and Wedding
Got up at 5 this morning to go to the Polish Pickle 5K in Bremond. Mary Sweeten rode up with Marilynn, Ben and I. Other club members there included Phillip Clark, Adrienne Langelier, Jennifer Johnston, Charles Walker, Jerry Flanagan, John Cook, Karen Fowler, J. C. Guzman. I ran the race with Debbie Tripp of The Woodlands. I probably slowed us down. The heat was terrible and I had to stop once to get a big rock out of my shoe. We finished in 35:38. However, the beer was good. We stopped to eat in Centerville on the way home. I took a brief nap and then went to Melissa's Broussard's wedding in Crockett. She should have been at the Polish Pickle, because the wedding was not until 4 p.m. I can't stand excuses. She married fellow Seven Hills Running Club member, William Ashley Biscamp. They had a nice wedding and I really wish them the best. They are living in Alba, north of Tyler. He works in Mineola and Melissa teaches at John Tyler High (my alma mater). Today was also a minor streak milestone. My streak reached 6 years and 6 months. We'll party at 10 years.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Tapering for the Polish Pickle
Tomorrow is the Polish Pickle 5K in Bremond, so I did a 2-mile taper run around town this evening. said it was 103 degrees and I believe it.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Thursday Park Run
We started our run at the park at 6:30 this evening, an hour later than usual. I suppose it was still about 100 degrees. In keeping with my doctor's orders, I stayed off the trail and ran on the park roads. The group did the 4.2 mile trail course and I did 4 miles.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Club Meeting Tonight
We had a meeting of the Seven Hills Running Club officers at my house this evening. We are finalizing plans for the club's Huntsville Half Marathon on October 17. I got in a workout at Nautilus before the meeting, but not a run. After the meeting, I went into town and ran a couple miles. It was totally dark when I finished. In the old days (before people drove around talking on cell phones), I routinely ran the streets after dark. It's a different ball game now.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Worked on the Bug
I spent most of today working on my 74 VW bug convertible. My seat was falling apart. I bought a used one yesterday and put it in. Of course, I had to remove the uphostery from the old seat and intall it on the new one. Anyway, the new seat is much more confortable - and no springs sticking me in the butt. I met up the group at the park tonight and ran roads while they ran trails. Congratulations to Mary Sweeten for starting a new running blog. Click here. Katy Lampson is correct, publishing a blog helps make you accountable for your training runs. Click here for Katy's column.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Second Shot
I did a one-mile run at the track this morning and then went to the doctor to get the second shot in my knees. Number three is next week.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Sunday Night 5K - Not
I left Huntsville at 6 p.m. today to go run the Sunday Night 5K in The Woodlands at 7 p.m. The traffic came to a virtual standstill north of Willis and inched along all the way to south Conroe. It was nearly 7 p.m. when I reached the southside of Conroe. Knowing for sure I will not make it to the race in time, I turned around and went back to Huntsville. I ran the hilly Avenues 5K course. With the sun setting, the heat was tolerable.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
June Bug Run
I directed the club's June Bug 5K and 1-Mile Run/Walk this morning. That means I had to get up early and put the signs out. We had 15 runners and walkers. True Cousins was there, but was not able to run due to a hamstring pull. I know how those hurt and how long it takes for them to heal. After the race and retrieving the signs, I joined Casey Spencer, Mariah Reynolds and new club members, Charles Walker and Jennifer Johnston for breakfast at the Cafe Texan. After working in the yard this afternoon, I ran a 2.7 mile loop around town.
Friday, June 19, 2009

My daughter, Mary, and her husband and two kids, who live in Yuma, AZ were on a vacation trip to Kansas and decided to spend a day at the zoo in Oklahoma City on their way home. So, Marilynn, Ben, Kenny and I drove up to OKC on Wednesday. My son, George, and his wife and three kids drove up from Wylie (near Dallas). We all went to the zoo yesterday and then spent hours at the hotel pool. We had a great time and got back this evening. I ran in OKC on Wednesday and Thursday, in between family activities. No relief from the heat up there. After a workout at Nautilus, I did a 2.9 mile loop in Huntsville about 7:30 this evening.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Quarter Marathon
Mary and I went down to Kingwood this evening and ran the 6.55-mile (quarter marathon) course used for the Texas Marathon each January. I could not have run it four times today in the heat. January is better. This will be Mary's first marathon and she now knows the course.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Movin on up
The new national streak list is out. As of June 1, I am number 146, up from 148 on March 1, 2009. I am number 6 in Texas. Of course, my friend, Vincent Attanucci, of The Woodlands is 147 and 7, respectively. And, it will stay that way. The entire list is on the U.S. Running Streak Association web site at
I ran a couple miles on the road this evening just before dark.
I ran a couple miles on the road this evening just before dark.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Sunday Night 5K
As you may be aware, The Woodlands Running Club, started a new race series, the Sunday Night 5K every Sunday in June, July and August at 7 p.m. Tonight was the innaguaral race. The crowd was light, but I had a nice visit with Jon and Waverly Walk, Bill Dwyer and Karen Felicidario (all are also members of the Seven Hills Running Club). I prefer to run in the evening, so the timing was great for me. I ran the course in 34:41. Click here for a link to the race.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Mud Maxx
My son, Ben, and I went down to Humble this morning for the Mud Maxx 5K. Seven Hills Running Club members, Mary Sweeten, Mariah Reynolds, Keelie Hughes and Jacob Gautreaux and his daughter, Megan, were there also. The race was not timed and I did not wear my watch, so I have no idea of my finish time. Steve and Paula Boone put on the race and they had about 350 runners. Obviously, we got muddy. They had a couple fire trucks there providing post race showers. It was a fun race. Most of us went to the Potatoe Patch on FM 1960 for lunch before heading back to Huntsville.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Kneeded to Run
The tree guys arrived at my house early this morning to cut down two large dead oak trees in my back yard. They did a good job and my house was not hit or threatened. I periodically had some sharp pains in my right knee all day. I am not sure where that came from, maybe from the shot a couple days ago. Anyway, I kneeded to run, so I went to the track this evening and did a mile. I did not get the sharp pains while running, so I guess its okay. Gotta get up early tomorrow for the mud run in Humble.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Hot in the Park
I heard on the news tonight that this was the hottest day so far this year. I believe it. The group ran trails this evening while I ran 3 miles on the park roads. Hans was back from his trip to South Dakota for the Deadwood Marathon. My calf felt okay after Mariah worked on it yesterday.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Treatment Day
I got in a short 2-mile run on the roads late this morning and then went to the doc for the first of a series of three injections of SYNVISC in my knees. It is a lubricant and is suppose to start working in about three weeks after the last injection. Then, it works up to 18 months. Later this afternoon, Mariah came over and worked on the pulled muscle in my calf. She is really good. The club officers were suppose to have a meeting at my house tonight to discuss the Huntsville Half Marathon coming up in October, but Norman had to delay the meeting for a couple weeks.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Park Roads
We jad a large group at the park this evening. Mariah was there and she took a look at my calf. She could not find a knot and thinks I pulled a muscle. She noted that it was swollen and will work on it tomorrow. In the meantime, while everyone else was running trails this evening, I ran two miles on the park roads.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Calf Still Acting Up
My left calf muscle is still acting up. Maybe I have a knot in it. Help, Mariah. I did an easy 1.6 mile run on the roads this evening. It did not get any worse.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Course Measurement
I borrowed the engineer wheel from the city to measure a course this weekend. It's the old Bowers Stadium 5K course. The markings on the curb have worn away. I met Norman at 5 p.m. this evening and just as soon as we got started, he got a call to go put out a fire. I measured and marked the course and Norman's wife, Millie, picked me up at the turn around point and gave me a ride back to the stadium. I think walking a 5K is harder than running. Afterwards, I went over to the track and run a mile, plus. My calf started acting up at the end of yesterday's run, so I took it easy.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
After 7 p.m. Run
I waited until after 7 p.m. today and ran a 3-mile loop around town. I received an email from Hans Jaeger today. He is in Deadwood, South Dakota for marathon tomorrow. He said that the weather forecast is for 40 degrees and rain. For someone born in Switzerland, he really hates running in cold weather. If I had known that it would be that cold up there, I would have gone.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Darn Bug
I worked on the electrical problem in my 1974 VW Bug Convertible today. I got the headlights to work; now the tail lights went out. I have tried everything. Guess I will have to take it to the VW repair place in Bryan next week. Congratulations to SHRC members, Colton Langwell and Colleen Cook, who graduated from high school this week. Gosh, I remember when Colleen was born. I ran my 2.9 mile loop around town this evening, just before dark. It was relatively cool and my knees did not feel too bad.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Short Road Run
I spent most of the day trying to get my VW bug through the state safety inspection and preparing garden beds for Marilynn. She has been taking the Master Gardener course since January and it has caused me a lot of work. My break lights would not work, so my VW failed the inspection. I worked on the VW this afternoon and got the break lights to work; now one of the headlights won't work. I bought a new seal beam this evening, but it still won't work. Back to the wiring tomorrow. I went to Nautilus late this evening and then ran a 2-mile loop in town.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Huntsville 5K Course
For a retiree, I had a busy day. Got up at 9:30, bought some landscaping stuff at Home Depot, got a flat fixed on my new truck, worked on my 74 VW convertible, went to a funeral and worked out at Nautilus. Then, Mary, Juan and I ran the hilly Huntsville 5K course this evening.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Lisa's New Web Site
My daughter, Lisa, lives in Chicago and is a singer and song writer. In her spare time, she is Senior Accountant for a large manufactoring company. Click here to visit her new music web site.
In keeping with the doctor's orders, I stayed off the trails today. I met up with the group at the park and ran 3 miles on the park roads while they had fun on the trails.
In keeping with the doctor's orders, I stayed off the trails today. I met up with the group at the park and ran 3 miles on the park roads while they had fun on the trails.
Monday, June 1, 2009
No More Trails
I went to the doctor this afternoon about my knees. He diagnosed the problem about 3 years ago as Chondromalacia. Basically, it is where the outside leg muscles, which are attached to the knee caps, start pulling the knee caps outward. The knee caps are suppose to move up and down at the knee joint. This outward pulling creates bone on bone pressure and a lot of pain, especially when sitting for a long time with the legs bent. There is also some arthritus under the knee caps. The surgical fix is to scope the joints to get rid of the arthritus and then loosen the outside leg muscles. To avoid surgery (a streak breaker), I am suppose to be doing exercises to strengthen the inside leg muscles, which are also attached to the knee caps. The braces, which I have worn occasionally, help keep the knee caps centered. Anyway, I have to intensify the exercises. The doctor will also give me a series of three shots of SYNVISC to lubricate the knee joints. The other thing I have to do is STAY OFF THE TRAILS. That will be the hard part.
After a workout at Nautilus this evening, to include my leg exercises, Mary Sweeten and I ran the 5-mile Tour de Huntsville course. The course includes some busy streets, but it traverses all four quandrants of the city. Mary just signed up for the Texas Marathon in Kingwood on January 1. This will be her first. I have no doubt that she will run it and finish.
After a workout at Nautilus this evening, to include my leg exercises, Mary Sweeten and I ran the 5-mile Tour de Huntsville course. The course includes some busy streets, but it traverses all four quandrants of the city. Mary just signed up for the Texas Marathon in Kingwood on January 1. This will be her first. I have no doubt that she will run it and finish.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Did Not Feel Like Running
I just did not feel like running today, so I went to the track this evening and ran one mile.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Afternoon in Conroe
Marilynn and I went down to Hans and Linda's house this afternoon to help celebrate Linda's 60th birthday. The BBQ was good and I ate too much. I took a nap when I got home and then went out for a run - only because I am a streaker. It was hard to get going, but I ended up doing a 2.7 mile loop around town.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Short Road Run
Ben and I went down to the Sam Houston-Rice U. baseball game in Houston this evening, so I did a 2-mile run on the road in town in the middle of the afternoon. Rice upset Sam 5-2.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Five Miles at the Park
We had 20 in our group at the park this evening, which we think was a record. I took off on my own and ran five miles on the park roads while the others were on the trails. I took it easy, so as not to re-injure my pulled calf muscle (I assume that is what the problem was). It was a little sore by the time I finished, but no sharp pains during the run.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Recovery Run at the Track

My calf was still sore, so I did another recovery run today. This time at the track. I'll try a longer trail run tomorrow. I just got off the phone with my son Kenny, who is working for a few weeks on the north slope of Alaska. I am including four of the photos that he took the other day near the camp.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Recovery Run on the Trails
I met up with the group at the park this evening. I ran 1.4 miles on the trail. It started hurting (but not the sharp pain that stopped me yesterday), so when I got to the park road, I walked about a mile back to the Nature Center. I had ice in my beverage cooler, so I iced it until the rest of the group finished.
Monday, May 25, 2009
At about the two and a half mile point in the Run the Woodlands 5K on Saturday, I suddenly felt like my left calf knotted up. It was sore for the rest of the race, but tolerable. I had no problem with it during my run yesterday. This evening, I was running a loop around town and at about a mile and a half, I started getting sharp pains in the same calf. I walked back and that was painful. I iced it when I got home, but it is still very sore. Hopefully, it will be okay tomorrow. I may do "recovery runs" for the next couple days.
We had the Seven Hills Running Club's Memorial Day 5K in my sub-division at 10 a.m. this morning, followed by a cookout at my house. We had 28 runners for the race and more than that for the cookout. We had a great time. A special thanks to my old friends, Pete Cahill from Baytown and Loren Sheffer from Houston for coming up. Also, thanks to my wife, Marilynn, for all her work with the cookout.
We had the Seven Hills Running Club's Memorial Day 5K in my sub-division at 10 a.m. this morning, followed by a cookout at my house. We had 28 runners for the race and more than that for the cookout. We had a great time. A special thanks to my old friends, Pete Cahill from Baytown and Loren Sheffer from Houston for coming up. Also, thanks to my wife, Marilynn, for all her work with the cookout.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Family in Town
We had family in today from Tyler and Wylie, so before anyone arrived, I did one of my rare morning training runs. I did a 3.2 mile loop around town.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
I went down to The Woodlands this morning with Mary, Mariah, Sarah and Lori for the Run the Woodlands 5K. Curtis met us there. I ran the course in 33:34. I had a visit with Lou Wilson, who at 73 just completed his 100th marathon. He only has 5 more states to complete a marathon in all 50 states. Congratulations, Lou. Sarah and Laura rode back with Curtis and Mary, Mariah and I had breakfast at Skeeters.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Went Fishing Again
I ran five laps at the track this afternoon and then went fishing with Ben again at the park. I am beginning to think they removed the fish from the lake. No one else was getting a bite either.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Three Straight at the Park
Ben and I went fishing at the park this afternoon. We tried every bait possible, but could not get a bite. Maybe it was too hot and windy. We will try again tomorrow. I did go back to the park this evening to run trails. We had a large group, including Lavonne and several runners new to the park. We did a 4.7 mile loop. I ran most of it with Mary Turner and Lottoya Manderson, who had never run at the park. They seemed to enjoy it.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Bounce Sheets
Phillip was at the park yesterday with a Bounce sheet (the things you put in your clothes dryer) hanging out from the back of his cap. It is suppose to keep the biting horse flies and other pesky critters away. It must be my body chemistry, but I tend to get attacked and bitten by horse flies more than most. The group met at the park this evening and Phillip brought me a sheet. It emits a strong odor, but I wore it during the 4.2 mile loop and nothing got close to me, including other runners.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Trails for a Change
After a workout at Nautilus, I met up with the group this evening and ran 4.2 miles on the trails at the park. The cooler temperature felt nice.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Empty Roads
The traffic around town is much lighter, now that the spring semester at Sam Houston State has ended. It makes road running in Huntsville more pleasant. After a workout at Nautilus this evening, I ran a 3.4 mile loop around town. Less than a block into my run, Mariah and Mary honked and stopped and we had a nice visit. We are all going down to the Run the Woodlands 5K this Saturday. Anybody else want to go?
Sunday, May 17, 2009
50th High School Class Reunion

I went up to Tyler this weekend to attend my 50th high school class reunion, Tyler High School Class of 1959. I got in a run in Huntsville Friday before leaving, a run in Tyler on Saturday and a run in Huntsville when I got back this evening. Actually, it was a joint Robert E. Lee/Tyler High School Reunion. Back in those days, Tyler High was the only white high school in Tyler. Robert E. Lee first opened in 1959, so those who lived on the north side of Tyler stayed at Tyler High and those on the south side went to Robert E. Lee for their senior year. They built a new high school on the north side of Tyler, which opened in 1960. It is called John Tyler High School. Tyler High was closed after the 1959, but the building is still there and is being used as a daycare center. In any case, we had a good time at the reunion. There were several, including two good friends who I was in the Cub Scouts with, who had not previously attended a reunion and I got to see them for the first time in 50 years. One kept raving about my Mother's cookies and described them in detail. How can somebody remember cookies after 50 years? The weekend events started with a reception on Friday night. On Saturday morning, we had a guys only breakfast. The dinner and dance was on Saturday night. It was really good visiting and reminicsing with old friends. Bill Allen, who recently retired as the Editor of National Geographic Magazine, and I spent some time together. I did not realize that he was suppose to be on the plane that crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11 with some other National Geographic employees. At the last minute, he had to cancel his trip to resolve a problem with an article for the next issue. I also visited with Kenneth Crone. He was the real life DPS trooper held hostage in the incident portrayed in the 1974 movie, "Sugar Land Express," starring Goldie Hawn. My old girl friend, Peggy Sue, didn't make it to the reunion. Neither did my good friend, Dr. Robert Peters. Bob and went to school together from Kindergarden all the way through high school. He became totally blind in about the 9th grade. When we graduated from high school, he received his diploma and then walked off the stage into the orchestra pit. He was not hurt and we laughed about it since.
I tried to recruit some of my classmates for my Saturday run, but could not find any takers.
I tried to recruit some of my classmates for my Saturday run, but could not find any takers.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Busy Day
I had a busy day, but squeezed in a workout at Nautilus and a 2-mile loop around town before going to the Sam Houston-Corpus Christi baseball game with my son, Ben.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Knees Feel Better
My knees felt better today. I was able to work them a little at Nautilus before doing a 3 mile loop around town this evening. I witnessed a car wreck on Sam Houston Avenue. It was a fairly serious wreck, but everyone told me they were okay (thanks to air bags). I interrupted by run and provided some assistance to one of the drivers.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Back from Wylie
I went up to Wylie (northeast of Dallas) Saturday afternoon and returned to Huntsville this evening. I did a 2.3 mile road run in Wylie Sunday evening and a 2 mile road run in Huntsville this evening. My knees are very sore, but that is a long story.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
YMCA Trail Run
I went down to Conroe this morning for the YMCA 5K Trail Run. As expected this time of the year, it was hot and humid and the trail was muddy in spots. I was surprized that no one else from the Seven Hills Running Club was there, except Jon Walk, who was spectating and acting like the sports reporter he is. They had nearly 300 runners, so the race is growing. I ran 34:45, a whole 10 seconds faster than last year. I was the only one in the 65 and over age group, so I got first in my age group.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Resting Up
Since I am doing the Conroe YMCA 5K Trail Run tomorrow morning and my knees were aching, I went to the track this evening and ran one mile +.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Calorie Replacement
After working out at Nautilus this evening, I ran a 3.2 mile loop around town. Marilynn and I then went to the Farmhouse Restuarant, where I had a chicken fried steak dinner. I think I more than replaced the calories I burned while exercising.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Bandera Grill 5K
Mariah and I ran the Bandera Grill 5K course in the Forest Hills Subdivision this evening. Darren Grant ran most of the course with us.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Three Around Town
I ran a 3-mile loop around town this afternoon and then went to the Sam-Texas A&M baseball game in College Station tonight (A&M upset Sam).
Monday, May 4, 2009
Short Road Run
For a retiree, I was busy today. I managed to get in a 2-mile road run late this afternoon. We met my son, Kenny, and his friend, Jenny, at the Olive Garden in The Woodlands this evening for dinner. Kenny is leaving for the north shore of Alaska on Wednesday and will be up there a few weeks.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Deep Water
I checked the forecast on early this morning and it looked like our 9:30 a.m. run would be inbetween thunderstorms. Phillip and I were the only ones to show up at the park. We did the 6.8-mile outer loop and I misinterpreted the forecast. It rained virtually the entire run and for a while, the lightning got pretty close. There was deep standing water in many places and we had to go through it. Amy's crossing was covered with water. The bridge south of the Nature Center was entirely covered with about one foot of water. In crossing, I had to aim for the other end of the bridge and try to stay on the bridge as I crossed. Phillip was up ahead of me on the west perimeter trail and ran across 4 wild hogs on the trail. They had taken off by the time I got to that point. We ran into several runners from The Woodlands and Felix was there also. Except for the lightning, it was a fun.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
I went over to the A&M campus in College Station this morning to run the 1st Annual GRACE 5K, which supports the local Salvation Army. Nice race with less than 100 runners. The course was flat. I finished in 32:54, which gave me 2nd place in the 60 and over age group (yes, there was only two of us).
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