I got up at 4:15 this morning for a 6 a.m. Rocky Raccoon 50K (31 miles) start at the park. For over an hour, it was totally dark. I wore my head light and found myself focused on the trail in front of me, trying not to trip on a root. I am very familiar with those trails, but at times I did not know where I was. I even made some turns without realizing it. You just do not look up ahead. There were nearly 500 in the race, but most were doing the 25K. The weather was ideal and the trails were in good shape, except for the roots, of course. My ankle was sore, but never became worse and was not a problem. I finished in 7:59:05.
UR number 1!
So great to have seen you out there, Ken! Hope to see you again soon!
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