Monday, June 3, 2024

Two surgeries scheduled this month

 On June 11, I am scheduled for the 3rd and final surgery to neutralize a vein in my leg.  I kept my streak alive through the first two surgeries, so I am confident that I can get through the third.  The two injections in my back for the bulging disc have not helped much.  So, on June 24, they are going in and remove some ligament around the spinal cord.  The nurse said that I would have to rest for a week.  I explained to her about streaking.  She talked to the doctor and came back and said one easy mile a day for a few days.  In any case, I will be glad to get through this month and get back to my normal slow.  I did yard work for most of the afternoon and then went into town and ran 3.6 miles on the roads and sidewalks.

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