Friday, July 26, 2024

Park open again

 Huntsville State Park is open again, even though the trails are all closed.  I went there this afternoon and ran 1.3 miles on the roads.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Fass brewery run

 I went down to the Fass Brewery Run in Conroe tonight and ran 1.5 miles.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

No strenuous exercise

 My post surgery instructions says no strenuous exercise for 2 weeks.  After I explained streaking when he scheduled the surgery, my doctor told that I could run an easy mile for a few days after the surgery.  So, this evening, I ran 1.2 miles in town, after mowing the back yard (riding lawn mower).

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Easy mile tonight to keep the streak alive

 After pretty much laying around all day, I went to the old mall parking lot late tonight and ran an easy mile.  The hard part was general fatigue, not so much the back.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Surgery done

 I ran a mile at the old mall at midnight this morning.  I went to a surgery center in Conroe early this morning for the long-waited back surgery.  The surgeon went in from 2 holes in the back and removed part of the ligaments around the bulging disc.  This is suppose to permanently remove the pressure and pain.  Hopefully, it will.  The surgeon spent a lot of time in the prep room explaining everything to me and my family members.  Then, he held my hand and asked if he could say a prayer with me.  That was appreciated, but inn all my surgeries over the years, it was a first.  I have to take it real easy for a few days.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sunday afternoon run

 I went into town this afternoon and ran 1.2 miles.  Surgery tomorrow.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Dog Days 1-Mile

 I ran our club's Dog Days 1-Mile Race this morning at the Elkins Lake Sub-division and finished in 18:46.  It was the first 1-mile race I ran since 2020.  I did add another .2 miles to the run for a total of 1.2.  I started to run the hilly 5K course, but I may have messed up my back even more.  So looking forward to surgery Monday morning and hope I can get back to normal soon afterwards. 

Friday, July 19, 2024

Park is still closed

 The state park is still closed due to hurricane damage..  I am starting to get use to running in town.  My back is no better, so I ran 1.2 miles in town this afternoon. 

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Fass Brewery run

 I met up with the group at the Fass Brewery this evening and ran 2 miles.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

More distance

 I went into town this evening and ran 2.3 miles.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


 I felt a little better today and ran 1.7 miles in town.  Just do not want to come down with something that will delay my surgery next Monday.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Surgery a week from today

 My back surgery is scheduled a week from today.  Last month, it was cancelled after I came down with a sinus infection the week before.  Now, today, I felt lousy, besides the back.  I got in 1 mile in town this evening and it was not fun.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Late run at the old mall

 It was after 8 tonight before I got a chance to run.  Went to the old mall parking lot and ran 1.4 miles.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Too much yard work

 I spent much of the day doing yard work and did not get around to running until late this evening. Got in 1.2 miles in town.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Another short run

 Did some back jarring yardwork for a few hours today and then a 1.2-mile run in town this afternoon.  I am getting behind on my distance and races.  My back surgery is a week from this coming Monday and I have high hopes that it will resolve the problem.