Monday, July 22, 2024

Surgery done

 I ran a mile at the old mall at midnight this morning.  I went to a surgery center in Conroe early this morning for the long-waited back surgery.  The surgeon went in from 2 holes in the back and removed part of the ligaments around the bulging disc.  This is suppose to permanently remove the pressure and pain.  Hopefully, it will.  The surgeon spent a lot of time in the prep room explaining everything to me and my family members.  Then, he held my hand and asked if he could say a prayer with me.  That was appreciated, but inn all my surgeries over the years, it was a first.  I have to take it real easy for a few days.


Miles of the Journey said...

Glad it went well Ken..I'll you a G for guts..running at midnight at th3 old mall..that's commitment something that I have always admired about you. seems it is harder to find now days. And the absolutely great...God bless you Ken.

LeaveNoStoneUnturned said...

Dad, The prayer was certainly appropriate since you were snuggled up with your Mother Teresa blanket😁