Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Leg surgery today

 I ran very early this morning (2 miles at midnight).  Normally, I would go to the track for a midnight run.  With all the rain, half the track would be muddy.  So, I went to the state park.  They gave me the code to get in after 10 pm and I ran on the roads, away from the camping areas.  Never saw anyone else or any cars driving around.  The only wildlife I saw were fizzy black caterpillars on the road.  I had an appointment with my pain management doctor in Huntsville this morning and he scheduled another injection in my back next Wednesday.  Then, I drove down to Tomball (just south of The Woodlands) for the 2nd of 3 surgeries to neutralize bad veins in my legs.  No running for the rest of the day.  For the month of April, I ran a total of 95.4 miles (average 3.18 miles a day).  This was the first month since August 2021 that I ran less than 100 miles.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Lots of trees down at the park

 Lots of trees fell at the park during the heavy storm last night.  Just driving into the park, 3 large trees had fallen over the road and had been removed.  I talked to the superintendent and he said there had been a lot of flooding.  There was 14 inches of water in the lodge.  I do not recall that ever happening in my 35 years or so visiting the park.  The trails must be a mess.  I stayed on the roads and got in 3.3 miles.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Before the rain

 We have a very heavy rain tonight, but I got in 4 miles at the park this evening, mostly on the trails.  I am sure the trails will be a mess tomorrow.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Unusual Saturday run at the park

 I usually have a race somewhere on Saturday.   I woke up a little before 6 this morning with the intention of driving down to Magnolia to run the Spindle Tree 5K at 7:30.  I decided against it and went back to sleep.  I went to the park late this afternoon and ran 4.4 miles on the trails.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Friday at the park

 I made it out to the park late this morning and got in 3.2 miles, mostly on the roads.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Fass Brewery 5K

 I felt much better today and went down to Conroe this evening and ran the Fass Brewery 5K.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Tough 5K

 My BP was low this afternoon, but I managed to get in 3.1 slow miles on the roads at the park.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Group night at the park

 As usual for Tuesday evening, I met up with the group at the park.  I ran 3.1 miles, almost all on the trails.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Back to Iron Works

 I stopped working out at Iron Works for 3 weeks while my back was at its worst.  I started back a few days ago, but am being careful not to make matters worse.  I worked out early this afternoon and then ran 3.4 miles at the park, mostly on the roads.  I have a follow up appointment with the pain management doc next week.  Maybe he has some solutions besides the inversion table.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Roads and trails

 I had visiting family today and did not make it out to the park until about 5 pm.  I started running on the roads and then switched to the trails.  Got in 4 miles.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Spring Fling 5K

 I ran our club's Spring Fling 5K at Elkins Lake Sub-division this morning.  My back and leg condition was a continuation of yesterday and I finished the very hilly course in 1:00:56.  Last year, I finished in 51:11.

Friday at the park

 I seem to have regressed on my back and leg issue, but I got in 3.4 miles on the trails at the park this afternoon.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Fass Brewery 5K

 I ran the Fass Brewery 5K in Conroe tonight - for the 35th time.

Inversion table

 The pain management doctor recommended that I get an inversion table to help ease the bulging disc.  I bought one and started using it today.  In the meantime, I ran 4 miles at the park this afternoon, mostly on the roads.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

All roads

 I stayed on the roads at the park this evening and got in 4 miles.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Tax day

 This April 15th, I finished up my taxes this afternoon and gave them to the lady locking the post office door at 4:30 pm. I then went to the park and ran 4.4 miles, mostly on the trails.  The back and left leg are better, but still a way  to go to get back to 100 percent.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Trip to Tyler

 After the race in Conroe yesterday, I attended my grand son's football game in Huntsville and then drove to Tyler to attend my high school class reunion (class of 1959).  I drove back to Huntsville this afternoon and got to the park at 6 pm.  I ran 4 miles, some on the trails, but mostly on the roads.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

B52 Brewing 5K

 I ran the B52 Brewing 5K in Conroe this morning and finished in 53:41.   Was 1st of 2 in the 80 and over age group.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Back to park trails

 Seems like it has been a while since I have been on the park trails.  Late this morning, I ran 3.3 miles on the trails and realized that my back and leg are not fully recovered.  However, the hardest thing I did all day was trying to assemble the inversion table I bought at the doctor's suggestion.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Fass Brewery 5K

 Tonight was my first post-injection run.  I felt better today and caught up on some yardwork.  Tonight, I went down to Conroe and ran the Fass Brewery 5K.  While my back and leg were not at 100%, I was able to finish the 5K without much pain.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Injection day

 At mid-night this morning, I ran 1.2 miles on the muddy track in town.  Then, this morning I went in for the injection in my back.  They put me out for the injection, but I was at the doctor's office for less than an hour.  Quick process.  The pain is still there from my bulging disc, but I do feel better.  The doctor recommended that I get an inversion table and I bought one this evening (a lot of assembly required). 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Streak saver run

 I went to the park early this afternoon and ran 1 mile, which is the minimum for the Streak Association.  I have to run again at midnight tonight, because I get the injection in my back tomorrow morning and cannot run for the rest of the day.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Eclipse day run

 I drove my son and grand son up to Waco this morning to watch the total eclipse and return to Huntsville.  I went to the park this evening to run.  It did not go well.  I only ran 1.2 miles.  I was afraid that my left leg was going to collapse.  I hope the injection in my back on Wednesday helps the leg too.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Sunday Night 5K

 I ran the Sunday Night 5K in The Woo0lands tonight and finished in 59:25.  I am so looking forward to the injection in my back and, hopefully, getting back to my normal slow.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Little further

 The pain in my back and left leg continues, but I was able to get in 3.2 miles on the park roads this evening.

Friday at the park

 It was not fun with the back problem, but I got in 3.1 slow miles on the roads at the park this afternoon.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Fass Brewery 5K

While it was slow and somewhat uncomfortable, I ran the Fass Brewery 5K in Conroe tonight.  With the change in seasons, it has changed from a night run to a daylight run.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

New issue

 I woke up this morning with a very sore left calf.  I have no idea where that came from, unless it is from awkward running due to the bulging  disc.  I iced it and took it easy all day.  Late this evening, I went to the park to see if it was possible to run and try to get in a mile.  It was tough getting in a mile, but it did not get worse.  I kept going and got in 3.1 miles.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Pain Management doctor appointment

 I had an appointment with the pain management doctor this morning in reference to my bulging discs.  He schedule me for an injection in my back on May 10.  I did not get into the streaking with him.  He did say that they will put me out for the injection and someone will have to drive me home.  So, this evening, I met up with the group at the park and ran a slow 3.7 miles on the roads.

Snake number 1

 I went to the park late this Monday morning, but my back would allow me to run 1.2 miles on the trails.  I tried again this evening and was able to add 2.3 miles, for a total of 3.5 miles.  During the brief time on the trails this evening, I encountered a large black snake (about 4 feet), laying across the trail.  I'm not sure what kind of snake it was.