Saturday, June 15, 2024

No Label Brewery 5K

 I "ran" the No Label Brewery 5K in Katy this morning.  I finished in 644th place out of 644 runners, with a time of 1:13:22.  At the start of the race, I felt totally unstable because of my back.  After 1 mile of running, I had to start walking (my first time walking at all in 852 5K's).  I walked the rest of the way to the finish and even had to stop several times to stretch my back.  My niece, Amie, joined me early in the race and stayed with me the entire time.  Thanks, Amie.  There were only 2 in the race over 80, so I was awarded a beer can lid medal for 2nd place.  On the positive side, I got to visit with a lot of good Houston friends before and after the race and safely drive the Katy Freeway, which is the widest highway in the world (26 lanes).

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