Monday, June 24, 2024

Trying to keep the streak alive

 While I have not had a fever from the sinus infection since last week, I feel lousy and the coughing never seems to stop.  Today was the day I was suppose to have surgery on my but was cancelled because of the sinus infection.  The bulging disc pain in my back has become more acute.  I have to move very carefully, especially getting up and down from a chair or in and out of my truck.  The back surgery is now scheduled for July 22.  In the meantime, I had an appointment with the cardiologist today,  It was suppose to be clearance to quit wearing compressions socks after 3 surgeries to neutralize veins in my legs.  Now, he wants to do one more.  I'm not sure what direction I am going with my back for the next few weeks,  but I am trying to take one day at a time.  I went over to the track at 9:30 tonight and ran 1 mile.

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