Sunday, June 30, 2024

Wrapping up the month

 I ran 1.6 miles in town this evening.  This gives me a total 67.5 miles for the month of June.  This was my 3rd month in a row with less than 100 miles.  I have 3 weeks until back surgery.  Hopefully, after that, I can get back to normal soon.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Getting behind

 I ran another 1.4 miles in town this evening.  With these short distances and fewer races, I am getting behind my normal pace.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Friday in town

 I ran 1.4 miles in town this evening.  I feel much better as far as the sinus infection goes, but no improvement in the back.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Missed Millican

 I missed Race 3 of the Millican Summer Series tonight.  This is my 4th straight year for the 6-race series and this was my first miss.  With the sharp pains in my back, I just thought that the technical trails would be too risky.  I managed more movement around the house today and got in a 1.2-mile run in town this evening.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Tried to do nothing today

 My goal today was to do nothing that would cause the intense pain in my back.  It usually is cause when I sit down and get up from a chair or in and out of my truck.  I am trying the learn the precise movement to avoid the pain.  Was almost successful today.  I had a meeting in town this evening and ran 1.2 miles afterwards.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Park with the group

 I stayed in bed most of the day.  Thankfully, my coughing lessened.  I met up with the group at the park this evening.  It has been a long time with the park closed for over a month.  They have even re-opened some trails.  I had misplaced by GPS, so I ran 25 minutes on the roads and trails, being very careful not to fall and mess up my back even more.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Trying to keep the streak alive

 While I have not had a fever from the sinus infection since last week, I feel lousy and the coughing never seems to stop.  Today was the day I was suppose to have surgery on my but was cancelled because of the sinus infection.  The bulging disc pain in my back has become more acute.  I have to move very carefully, especially getting up and down from a chair or in and out of my truck.  The back surgery is now scheduled for July 22.  In the meantime, I had an appointment with the cardiologist today,  It was suppose to be clearance to quit wearing compressions socks after 3 surgeries to neutralize veins in my legs.  Now, he wants to do one more.  I'm not sure what direction I am going with my back for the next few weeks,  but I am trying to take one day at a time.  I went over to the track at 9:30 tonight and ran 1 mile.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Late evening run

 I really felt lousy today, plus an errant to run in New Waverly and help my son from Houston work on my lawn mower.  I think I worsened by back yesterday when it broke down and I pushed and pulled it to the garage.  Anyway, the mower is now like my back and I have to find a part for it.  It was after 7 tonight I went to the old mall and ran 2 loops for a total of 1.4 miles.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Polish Pickle 5K

 For the 28th straight year, I drove up to Bremond this morning and ran the Polish Pickle 5K.  I did not feel too bad, except for the back issue, and finished in 55:00.  I was 3rd of 3 in the 80 and over age group.  The overall winner ran it in 15:03.  He was probably having a beer at the finish line before I got to the 1-mile marker.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Stayed in bed until 4 pm

 My temperature was up to 102 today and I stayed in bed until 4 pm.  It got down to 99 something later this afternoon and I went into town and ran 1.2 miles.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Sinus infection

  I finally got in to see my regular doctor this afternoon. He ruled out COVID and Flu and decided that I have a sinus infection.  He gave me antibiotics, steroids (start tomorrow) and a pill for coughing.  I took 2 doses of the antibiotic and I still have high temp late at night.  I went over to the track at 9:30 tonight and ran 1 mile.  I must have  looked drunk.  I was all over the track and nauseated.  The hard part is that I had to reschedule my back surgery from June 24 to July 22.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 I developed a fever today, which I suspect is a sinus infection.  I felt lousy, but I went to the park this evening and ran 1.1 miles on the roads.  Hopefully, I can get in to see my regular doctor tomorrow.  My big concern is the possible delay of my back surgery, which is scheduled for Monday.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Another short run

 My allergy symptoms and back issues were not any better today.  I am trying to avoid a sinus infection, which might delay my back surgery which is scheduled for Monday, June 24.  I went over to the old mall parking lot late this evening and ran 1.4 miles.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Park unexpectedly closed

 I spent much of the day in bed trying to beat the allergy symptoms, but went to the park late this evening.  When I drove in, the gate was closed with a nearby sign saying the park was closed today and tomorrow.  So, I went into town and started running.  Due to back pain, I opted to stop at 1.9 miles.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Woke up with full range of allergy symptoms

 I woke up this morning with a full range of allergy symptoms.  After church, I spent most of the day visiting family, taking some over the counter medication and napping.  I went to the park late this evening and ran 1.3 miles without much discomfort.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

No Label Brewery 5K

 I "ran" the No Label Brewery 5K in Katy this morning.  I finished in 644th place out of 644 runners, with a time of 1:13:22.  At the start of the race, I felt totally unstable because of my back.  After 1 mile of running, I had to start walking (my first time walking at all in 852 5K's).  I walked the rest of the way to the finish and even had to stop several times to stretch my back.  My niece, Amie, joined me early in the race and stayed with me the entire time.  Thanks, Amie.  There were only 2 in the race over 80, so I was awarded a beer can lid medal for 2nd place.  On the positive side, I got to visit with a lot of good Houston friends before and after the race and safely drive the Katy Freeway, which is the widest highway in the world (26 lanes).

Friday, June 14, 2024

Split run

 I went out to the park early this afternoon and started running the roads.  Due to my back and sore leg from the surgery on Tuesday, I quit after 2.2 miles.  This evening, I went into town and ran another miles on the roads.  Total 3.2 for the day.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Millican Summer Series Race 2

 Was not sure whether I would be able to run technical trails after the surgery on Tuesday, but after running 3.1 yesterday on the park roads, I gave it a go at Millican tonight.  No rain, lightning, water-covered trails and mud tonight.  No falls, but with the sore leg and back issue, I ran slow and finished the 3.2 miles in 1:12:25.  I almost stepped on a Copperhead in a grassy area about 2/10ths of a mile from the finish.  In all my races on the trails at Millican, it was the first time I have seen a snake.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Finally back to the park

 The state park re-opened yesterday after so much storm damage.  The trails are still closed.  I waited until about 5 this evening to run.  My leg was still very sore from the surgery yesterday, but they said I could return to normal activity after 24 hours.  Before I could start running, the superintendent stopped by for a visit and update on the park.  After a mile of running, a lady stopped me to ask why the trails were closed and to tell me that she had the same race T-shirt I was wearing (2014 Texas 10 Plano).  Then, later in the run, I met a couple old friends from Huntsville who were hiking the roads.  We had a nice visit.  I finished up on the park roads with a total of 3.1 miles.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Last leg surgery done

 I ran 1.4 miles at the old mall parking lost at midnight this morning.  After a few hours sleep, I got up and drove down to Tomball for the 3rd and final surgery to neutralize bad veins in my legs.  This one was more painful than the other two.  After 24 hours, I can resume normal activity.  So, tomorrow, I am heading for the newly re-opened Huntsville State Park.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Noon run

 I went into town at noon today and ran 3.1 miles on the roads and sidewalks.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Late Sunday run

 I had a busy day and did not get around to running until about 7 this evening.  I went into town and ran 3.6 miles on the roads and side walks.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Greyhound 5K, Kosse

 For the 12th time over the years, I ran the Greyhound 5K in Kosse this morning.  The country road we run on keeps getting worse every year.  There is a trip hazard every step.  However, I ran extra slow and managed not to trip and fall.  My back definitely needs the surgery scheduled on June 24.  I finished in a slow 1:00:11 and was 2nd of 2 in the 80 and over age group.  My good Marine friend, Dennis, just turned 80, so we are competitors again.

Friday, June 7, 2024

3.1 in town

 Early this afternoon, I ran 3.1 miles on the sidewalks and roads in town.  

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Fass Brewery 5K

 I went down to Conroe tonight and ran the Fass Brewery 5K for the 40th time.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Global Running Day

 Today was Global Running Day.  As I have done for many years, I went down to The Woodlands waterway and joined The Woodlands Marathon group (two other groups were also running the waterway).  I ran 3.5 miles, with several stops to visit with friends.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Park re--opening date moved again

 The state park re-opening date has been moved to June 12.  I feel guilty that I have not volunteered to help with the cleanup work at the park, but with my back issue, I would not be much help.  I did go to the hospital today for some pre-op testing, followed by yard work and a 3.1-mile run in town.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Two surgeries scheduled this month

 On June 11, I am scheduled for the 3rd and final surgery to neutralize a vein in my leg.  I kept my streak alive through the first two surgeries, so I am confident that I can get through the third.  The two injections in my back for the bulging disc have not helped much.  So, on June 24, they are going in and remove some ligament around the spinal cord.  The nurse said that I would have to rest for a week.  I explained to her about streaking.  She talked to the doctor and came back and said one easy mile a day for a few days.  In any case, I will be glad to get through this month and get back to my normal slow.  I did yard work for most of the afternoon and then went into town and ran 3.6 miles on the roads and sidewalks.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Back home in time for the Sunday Night 5K

 I squeezed in a 1.1-mile run Friday morning before leaving for Wylie (NE of Dallas).  I was so beat up from the trail run Thursday night, it would have been hard to get in a longer run.  After a busy day on Saturday, I went to run concrete trails at the park in nearby Plano.  I waited at the park for a while until it quit raining and then took off on the trails.  Some were under water and I had to double back and get creative.  I ended up with 3.1 miles.  I drove back to Huntsville this afternoon, changed into my running short and drove on down to The Woodlands to run the Sunday Night 5K for my 149th time.  I finished in 54:00.  My bulging disc is still a problem, despite the two injections.  I am waiting to be scheduled for a surgery to resolve the problem.