Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Ten on Tuesday
Because of my hamstring problem, I am staying off the trails for now. After the Marathon to Marathon in October and the San Antonio Marathon in November, I plan on getting back on the trails to train for Sunmart in December. Lavonne and I ran 5 miles on the roads at the park with the intention of doing it again. Just as we got back to the Nature Center, the trail group showed up to run their 4.5 mile loop. Lavonne joined them and I did the 5 mile loop again. Ate supper when I got home, went to Wal-Mart and then to Nautilus about 9 p.m.. There was a completely different crowd at Nautilus than I usually see between 5 and 6 p.m.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Back to the Shed
Now that my house is back to normal, I worked on my storage shed most of today and ran my 2.7 mile loop on the road this evening. About half way through my run, I met club members, Mary Sweeten and Mariah Reynolds, and we visited for a while.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
House Empty Again

My daughter, Lisa, came in from Chicago on Thursday morning and went back today. Kenny was up from Houston, George and Shannon and their three kids were here from Plano and Ben, of course, was here also. So, the house was full for the weekend. All are gone now and it is quiet. I hit the streets late this evening and did my 2.7 mile loop around town. I have to get in at least one long run this week, before I start tapering for the Marathon to Marathon on October 18.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Fall Fun Run
I have a house full of people this weekend, but I did take time out to run the club run this morning. I ran the Fall Fun Run 10K in 1:16:43. Tough out and back course, all up or down hill.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Out of Town Today
We went up to Tyler early this morning for a family get together and got back late tonight. I just got back from running laps at the track.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Got it Overwith
I had my procedure this morning. The doctor had to remove a couple pollups, but he didn't think there was any problem. They woke me up at 11 a.m., told me not to run today and within 15 minutes, I was at Los Pericos eating cheese enchiladas. Real food, finally! In keeping with the doctor's orders, I took a day off and ran laps at the track tonight.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Rough Day
With nothing today except clear liquids and the nasty stuff I had to drink in preparation for my procedure tomorrow, it was rough day for running. I timed it right and got in a mile at the track this afternoon. With the lighter weight, I really ran fast.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
2.7 on the Roads
I ran my 2.7 mile loop around town this evening. When I got back to the track, Brian Loft was finishing up a 7 mile road run and we visited for a while.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Frustrated Trail Runners
With the continued closure of the Huntsville State Park, the trail runners are having to get use to running on the roads again. Chris, Hans, Andrew and Karen met at the HKC on campus this evening and ran the Huntsville Half Marathon loop (6.55 miles). Since I do not have a university parking pass, I went to the track and ran the roads from there. I met the group out on Sycamore. Hans and Chris were carrying cans of spray paint and were suppose to be repainting the mile marks. Knowing those two, they were probably doing some graffiti too. I ended up doing 3.7 miles.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Under Achieved
I had planned to do a double loop around town today that would give me close to 16 miles. I parked at the track and started the first loop from there. I realized early that the heat was taking on toll on me. My hamstring and lower back were hurting. When I finished the first loop, I did a lap at the track to get in a full 8 miles. I don't know how much was mental verses physical, but I gave up on the second loop. I should have run 8 miles away from where I parked and then back. I know that it doesn't count for anything, but my body feels like I did 16.
I start my preparation tomorrow for my colonoscopy on Thursday. For the next two days, my intake is limited to pasta, bread and meat (without sauces or condiments). Wednesday is limited to clear liquids and the nasty stuff you have to drink to clean out your system. Thank goodness, I have to do this only once every five years. It's the last part of my physical; the rest was okay.
I start my preparation tomorrow for my colonoscopy on Thursday. For the next two days, my intake is limited to pasta, bread and meat (without sauces or condiments). Wednesday is limited to clear liquids and the nasty stuff you have to drink to clean out your system. Thank goodness, I have to do this only once every five years. It's the last part of my physical; the rest was okay.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Warming Up
I knew better than to think the hot weather was over. While the cool post-Ike temperature was nice, it's back to late September reality. I spent much of the day cleaning out my garage and putting a bunch of stuff in the new unfinished storage building. Most of next week will be taken up with my colonoscopy on Thursday and the three days of preparation. Is beer a clear liquid? Plus, my daughter, Lisa, is coming in from Chicago Wednesday night and will be here through the weekend. So, I will not start putting the siding on the storage building until the next week. I went to the track this evening and from there ran my 2.7 mile loop around the campus. Wendell Londeen was running at the track and I visited with him for a while. Wendell is 82 and is planning on running the Houston Half Marathon in January. He ran it two years ago, but missed it last year because they sold out before he registered. He lost his wife a few months ago, but is doing well. Nice guy.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Getting Ready for the Half
Niki Bellnoski is directing the Huntsville Half Marathon & 5K Run/Walk this year. I'm her assistant. For the first time, we are giving finisher medals for the half marathon this year and trophies for the top three in each age group. Niki called today and said that she received the finisher medals and they look great. I received three big boxes of age group trophies today. Marilynn and I sorted them all out tonight and checked the engraving. Only one engraved plate was wrong. We have plenty of time to get that fixed. Also, Run Wild Sports (chip timing) has offered us disposable chips at no extra cost. We took them up on that. That means that all the runners can keep them chips and we won't have to collect them at the finish line.
I worked on my storage building all afternoon and ran laps at the track this evening. J. C. was there and we visited for a while. He is running well.
I worked on my storage building all afternoon and ran laps at the track this evening. J. C. was there and we visited for a while. He is running well.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Avenues 5K
Lavonne, Norman and I ran the Avenues 5K at 6 this evening. I could get use to this cooler running weather. When I drove back home, I noticed a lot more businesses with power. I hope we get back to normal soon.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Four Quadrants
I went to the track this evening and took off from there running the roads. No planned route, but I ended up running in all four quadrants (redundant) of the city. I dodged a lot of tree service and electric company trucks, but they seemed to be everywhere. I was not sure how far I had run until I got home and mapped it on the USATF running route site. It ended up being 7.85 miles. I have another appointment for treatment of my hamstring tomorrow and am suppose to have one more after that. Marathon 2 Marathon is a month away and at this point I am confident that I can finish it. I hope they don't mind waiting for me.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Slow Recovery
Maybe because we got our power back on Saturday night, I expected most others would have it back by now. From what I observed driving and running around town, very few homes and businesses have power. People must be going stir crazy. I ran a 3.3 mile course in town this afternoon. Nice weather.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Huntsville Still a Mess
I ran a 4.6 mile course around Huntsville today. There were a lot of power and tree cleanup crews working, but I have not noticed any new areas with power. The few gas stations that had gas and their pumps operating had long waiting lines. Maybe tomorrow will be better. At the same time, I know those in areas along the coast have it much worse. Chris Wilson is home alone and without power. I invited him over tonight to take a hot shower and watch the Cowboy game (in that order), but he was afraid that he would be arrested and jailed for violating the county-wide 8 p.m. curfew. Gosh, at least if he was in jail, he would get three hot meals a day.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Sunday Run
Things are still messed up in Huntsville. There is virtually nothing open in town. We went to church (power-less, so to speak) and then tried to find a restuarant that was open. We found one that was open and operating off a generator. There was no air conditioning and my chicken fried steak was terrible. I spent most of the afternoon clearing the tree limbs out of my yard. Later this evening, I went into town and ran my 2.7 mile loop. It looks like the great majority of Huntsville is still without power. I think we were lucky to get our power back on last night.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Messed Up Saturday
Our power went out about 6 this morning and we got it back tonight shortly before 10. Not bad. We were expecting much longer. Hurricane Ike came through Huntsville this morning as a Category 2. We had no damage at our house, but many others in Huntsville were not so lucky. There were many large trees down all over town and some fell on houses. I jut read on the news that a lady was killed by a falling tree at Elkins Lake. Virtually all of Huntsville was without power all day. I didn't even see a single traffic light working. I ran my 2.7 mile loop around town at 4 p.m. It rained the whole time and I had to run through a lot of water and over fallen tree limbs. So goes the life of a streaker.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Making Progress

I had already put the felt on my storage building roof, but with the hurricane coming tomorrow, I figured it would all blow away. So, I decided to spend today putting on the shingles. I sure hope they don't blow away. Ben came over to help and we finished up about 5:30 this evening. I was really beat after climbing up and down the ladder all day. I went over to the track at 6 and ran laps in the rain. Tomorrow will be interesting. I think the eye of the hurricane is suppose to pass over Huntsville about 10 a.m. Maybe that would be the best time to get in a run.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Hurricane is Coming
I had my hamstring treatment this morning and I believe it is doing better. The doc wants me to get three more treatments. I went over to the track this evening to do a run on the roads. Three of the women who have been treating my hamstring were there, getting ready for a run. I made sure they saw me stretching before taking off on my run. I did my 2.7 mile loop. The hurricane will hit on Saturday. Being a streaker, I am always thinking ahead and planning on how I can get in a run. Saturday will be a challenge, but maybe not as challenging as the three days of preparation for my colonoscopy on September 25.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Staying Off the Trails
In keeping with my doc's suggestion, I am staying off the trails for now. I met up with the group at the park this evening and ran 3 miles on the park roads with Mary and Mariah, while Hans, Chris, John, Marisa and Phillip ran trails. Curtis was finishing up his trail run when we all started. According to the park police officer, the park will be closed this weekend due to Hurricane Ike. The park will be a base for all the crews brought to this area to restore electrical power.
Getting Dark Earlier
My son, George, who is a police officer in Plano, spent the night with us last night. He was here for a one-day training program today at the Criminal Justice Center. I had a treatment on my hamstring this morning and then Marilynn and I had lunch with George. I spent the whole afternoon working on my storage building. I have so many cuts and bruises on my fingers, hands, forehead and arm. Buy stock in Johnson-Johnson Band Aids. I guess I would never make it as a carpenter. After 6 this evening, I went to Nautilus and then did 2.7 miles on the road. I was finishing up my run about 7:50 and it was already dark. Surely, the cool weather will be here soon.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Rest Day
I worked on my storage building all day and did a lot of heavy lifting. Also got sunburned. I took a break this evening and went to Nautilus to do some more lifting. After that, I ran laps at the track. Back to the doctor tomorrow for another treatment on my hamstring.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Double Digits, Finally
Lavonne and I ran out and back the whole length of Veterans Memorial Blvd. plus some this evening, a total of 11 miles. It was a new distance for Lavonne and she did great. While my hamstring hurt the entire run, I did not get the sharp pains that I got last Sunday. The doc told me that the sharp pains were new muscle tears. So, I decided today that if the sharp pains returned today, I would stop my run and give up on training for the Marathon 2 Marathon on October 18. I have two treatment appointments this week, so maybe I can continue to increase my distance.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Bearkat Bash
I got up early and went down to Spring for the Bearkat Bash 5K at Klein HS. I finished in 35:18 (4th in age group). It looks like they had their biggest crowd ever. I would guess close to 800. It was good to visit with many old running friends, but there was only one other Seven Hills Running Club member there. That was John Slate.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Stretch, Stretch, Stretch
I had a long doctor's appointment this morning, going into the afternoon Beside heat, massaging and lasers, they treated my hamstring with an electronic machine that goes deeper than the normal ultra-sound. I can't remember what they called it. They also stretched the hamstring. The doctor wants me to stretch the hamstring before I run and three more times a day. I have two more appointments next week.
I went straight from the doctor's office to the track to run laps. I'm doing the Bearkat Bash 5K at Klein HS in Spring tomorrow morning. It's one of those races that I do every year. This will be seven in a row. I don't recall ever placing in the race; I seemed to always place 4th in my age group and John Chenette from Crockett seemed to always get the third place medal. Last year, I saw his wife, Barbara, during the race and asked where John was. She said that she would talk to me at the finish line. She told me at the finish line that John had passed away a couple months earlier. They had just finished a 5K training run and were driving home. He had a heart attack while driving and she managed to get their truck stopped. John was a super guy. He and I went to so many of the same races, including the Polish Pickle and Stu's Country Mile. And, he and his family always participated in the Huntsville Half Marathon & 5K. Well, I came in 3rd place in my age group at last years Bearkat Bash 5K. I took the medal, but I know that it really belongs to John. I look forward to visiting with Barbara tomorrow.
I went straight from the doctor's office to the track to run laps. I'm doing the Bearkat Bash 5K at Klein HS in Spring tomorrow morning. It's one of those races that I do every year. This will be seven in a row. I don't recall ever placing in the race; I seemed to always place 4th in my age group and John Chenette from Crockett seemed to always get the third place medal. Last year, I saw his wife, Barbara, during the race and asked where John was. She said that she would talk to me at the finish line. She told me at the finish line that John had passed away a couple months earlier. They had just finished a 5K training run and were driving home. He had a heart attack while driving and she managed to get their truck stopped. John was a super guy. He and I went to so many of the same races, including the Polish Pickle and Stu's Country Mile. And, he and his family always participated in the Huntsville Half Marathon & 5K. Well, I came in 3rd place in my age group at last years Bearkat Bash 5K. I took the medal, but I know that it really belongs to John. I look forward to visiting with Barbara tomorrow.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Forest Hills 5K Course
Lavonne and I ran the Forest Hills 5K Course this evening at 4:40. That's my old neighborhood and I have not run there for a while. After the run, I went back on top of my storage shed and installed a couple more rafters. My step latter has to be at least 30 years old and is awfully rickety. I think I'll buy a new one tomorrow. I sure don't want to have an accident and break my streak. A few years ago, a neighbor had an accident with his ladder and broke his leg. He ended up having it amputated. We passed his house today and I saw him.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Two Appointments
Had two doctor appointments today. One was for treatment on my hamstring and the other was a consultation for a colonoscopy to be done on September 25. The doctor is not happy with how my hamstring is progressing. He says that I have to cut back on my running. He gave me another appointment for this Friday and will try a new treatment. Then, I went to the second appointment. The nurse gave me instructions for the three prior to the colonoscopy. This is going to be fun not skipping a day of running.
After all this, I went to the track and ran laps, worked on my storage building and went to The Woodlands for a birthday dinner with my oldest son, Kenny.
After all this, I went to the track and ran laps, worked on my storage building and went to The Woodlands for a birthday dinner with my oldest son, Kenny.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Welcome Back, Mary
I wasn't sure who would be at the park this evening. It was Hans and John and then Mary Sweeten showed up. She admitted that it had been a while since she ran. She had to be somewhere at 7, so she ran a couple miles on the park roads with me. It was good to have her back. Her long run was the Rocky Raccoon 25K last October.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Making Progress

I am making progress on my new storage building. Next is the rafters and that is sorta complicated for an amateur. I did take a break and go out to the park to run this evening. In keeping with my hamstring recovery plan, I ran a couple miles on the park roads, while everyone else ran trails. It was Hans, Phillip, John, Chris and Andrew and Karen. Curtis was out biking and dropped by for our social hour.
9.4 Done
I saw Lavonne at church this morning and invited her to run Veterans Memorial Blvd. with me this evening at 6. We met at the Mall parking lot and ran south to the I-45 service road (4.7 miles) and back to the Mall for a total of 9.4. Marilynn was kind enough to meet us at the turnaround point with water. It was a new distance for Lavonne. Congratulations! That's a tough course, all up or down. No flats. Probably good training for Marathon 2 Marathon. Out near the back entrance to Elkins Lake, there were two herds of tame deer. They just stand there and stare at you when you run by. I guess the residents of Elkins Lake have been feeding them for too many years. The deer in my neighborhood run off if you get near them.
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