Monday, June 30, 2008
Change in the Weather
My plan was to run my 2.7 mile loop around town this evening. After a mile or so, I realized that it was not as hot as usual and/or the humidity was low. I actually felt comfortable. However, since I was siked up for 2.7, I left it at that.
Stormy Weather
We are finally getting some much needed rain on the west side of Huntsville. I had to time my run between storms this evening (Sunday, June 28). I started at the track in town and made a loop around the avenues and the campus. It was a new route and I had to check the distance on the USATF Route Finder when I got home. It came out to be 4.05 miles. The next storm hit just as I finished at 7 p.m.
I figure that the Marathon 2 Marathon on October 18 will be a strong motivator to do longer training runs late in the hot summer months. Usually, my first long race is not until Sunmart in early December. This year, it will be M2M in October and San Antonio in November.
Congratulations to my friend Vincent Attanucci of The Woodlands, who completed 2,000 days on his running streak on June 28. I am quick to point out that he is 11 days behind me and is unlikely to ever catch me. He is 135 on the national list and I am 134.
I figure that the Marathon 2 Marathon on October 18 will be a strong motivator to do longer training runs late in the hot summer months. Usually, my first long race is not until Sunmart in early December. This year, it will be M2M in October and San Antonio in November.
Congratulations to my friend Vincent Attanucci of The Woodlands, who completed 2,000 days on his running streak on June 28. I am quick to point out that he is 11 days behind me and is unlikely to ever catch me. He is 135 on the national list and I am 134.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Bremond in June

There were about 500 runners at the Polish Pickle 5K in Bremond this morning. As usual, it was a fun event. The Seven Hills Running Club had 10 members running and there was a whole bunch there from The Woodlands Running Club. In fact, Debbie Tripp and I ran the last mile or so together. Adrienne Langelier ran a PR 18:56 and she was the third female finisher. Obviously, she had some tough competition. Jerry Flanagan, J. C. Guzman and Robert Duncan all got first place in their age groups. Ben Johnson, John Loftus, Norman Langwell, True Cousins and Keanu Cousins from the club also ran. I picked up second in my age group with a time of 34:26. There was probably only two in my age group. A group photo and unofficial race results for SHRC members are on the Latest News page of the club web site. Marilynn did some shopping at the booths and we stayed around to watch the pickle parade. Marilynn, Ben, Adrienne, Norman and I stopped at Robles Mexican Restuarant in Centerville on the way back to Huntsville.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Resting for the Pickle
The Polish Pickle 5K is tomorrow in Bremond, so I rested with a one-mile run at the track. It will be my 13st straight pickle. Ben, Norman and Adrienne are riding up with me also. While we are running, Marilynn will be buying a bunch of stuff at the booths up and down the main street.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
2008 in 2008
Today was 2008 consecutive days of running ending in the year 2008. Guess that match up won't occur again. While I thought we might be running trails in the rain, the rain was over by the time Lavonne and I started running at 6 p.m. The rest of the group started earlier and we met up with them on the trails. Lavonne and I ended up doing about 3.2 miles.
Went to the Astros Game

Marilynn, Ben and I went to the Astros game tonight (Wednesday, June 25). The photo above was a free one taken by the ATT people. They had it on their web site by the time we got home. Coincidently, Ben received a big box from the Texas Lottery today. He had mailed in one of those losing $5 baseball scrach offs and won a bunch a Astros stuff in a drawing. One thing was the jersey he was wearing in the photo. The same jersey was $88 at the Minute Maid Park store. He also received a cap, heavy jacket, light pull over jacket, Astros flag and two real nice stadium seats. Looks like he did okay with his losing ticket.
I did get in a 2.7 mile run on the road late this morning.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Marathon Plans
For several years, I ran a 50K and two marathons a year. This year, I stretched it out to three marathons and two 50K's. Now that I have gone beyond my 3-marathon mental limit, I will do more this year. Here's my plan:
October 13 - Marathon 2 Marathon (Alpine to Marathon, Texas) - Signed up.
November 16 - Rock 'n' Roll Marathon, San Antonio - Signed up.
December 6 - Sunmart 50K, Huntsville State Park
January 1 - Texas Marathon, Kingwood
February 14 - Surfside Beach Marahon, Surfside Beach
March 14 - Seabrook Lucky Trail Marathon, Seabrook
March 29 - Bataan Death March Memorial Marathon, New Mexico
The big challenge will be doing the long training runs in the late summer and fall to get ready for M2M in October. I just took a Google Earth tour of the course between Alpine and Marathon. There is nothing between those towns except desolation. Who need noisy spectators, anyway? I ran most of Surfside alone in the fog this year; a desert highway has to be about the same. M2M has to be a good race; years ago, they bought my book, "How to Put on a Road Race."
I ran trails this evening with Amy and Lavonne. Amy wanted to run a different course, so we headed south from the Nature Center and did some out and back on the south perimeter road when we got to that point. I figure we did 3.2 miles. Amy and Lavonne are running well.
October 13 - Marathon 2 Marathon (Alpine to Marathon, Texas) - Signed up.
November 16 - Rock 'n' Roll Marathon, San Antonio - Signed up.
December 6 - Sunmart 50K, Huntsville State Park
January 1 - Texas Marathon, Kingwood
February 14 - Surfside Beach Marahon, Surfside Beach
March 14 - Seabrook Lucky Trail Marathon, Seabrook
March 29 - Bataan Death March Memorial Marathon, New Mexico
The big challenge will be doing the long training runs in the late summer and fall to get ready for M2M in October. I just took a Google Earth tour of the course between Alpine and Marathon. There is nothing between those towns except desolation. Who need noisy spectators, anyway? I ran most of Surfside alone in the fog this year; a desert highway has to be about the same. M2M has to be a good race; years ago, they bought my book, "How to Put on a Road Race."
I ran trails this evening with Amy and Lavonne. Amy wanted to run a different course, so we headed south from the Nature Center and did some out and back on the south perimeter road when we got to that point. I figure we did 3.2 miles. Amy and Lavonne are running well.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Crowd at the Park
It was good to see John Cook back on the trails while still recovering from a leg injury. Also running trails this evening were Hans Jaeger, Christopher Wilson, Phillip Clark, Marisa Padilla and Andrew and Karen Husband. Curtis Barton was already out there doing the outer loop. I ran with John for about 2.5 miles, while the others did 4.5.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Lazed About
Sure didn't do a whole lot today. After church and dinner at Margarita's, I watched the Astros game and then watered all the new bushes and trees in the yard. It is so dry. What little rain we have had lately in Huntsville bypassed us on the west side of town. This evening, I finally got around to running 2.7 miles on the roads in town.
June Bug 5K
I got up early this morning (Saturday, June 21) to put out the signs for the Seven Hills Running Club's June Bug 5K race at 8 a.m. We had 22 runners show up. What surprized me was that most were not club members or even from Huntsville. Most were from Buffalo, Madisonville, Midway, Willis and New Waverly. Complete results and a group photo are on the club website on the Latest News page. After the race, Marilynn, Ben and I had breakfast at the Cafe Texan with True and Esther Cousins. Later this afternoon, I went over to the campus and ran the same 5K course.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Huntsville Half Registration Open
Niki and I were back and forth today finalizing registration forms for the 30th Annual Huntsville Half Marathon & 5K Run/Walk on October 11. Niki will be the new race director and I will assist her. We finished the project and put it all on the Seven Hills Running Club web site. So, registration is now open. We are fortunate this year in that our race will not be on the same day as Ten for Texas in The Woodlands. This year, it will be held on October 18.
I also took time today to sign up for the Marathon 2 Marathon on October 18. The race starts in Alpine and runs to Marathon, Texas. It should be fun, but will require long distance training runs in the hottest months. Then, I will do the San Antonio Marathon in November.
Late this afternoon, I ran laps at the track and went to the trophy store to buy award ribbons for tomorrow's club run and to Walmart for bananas, water and Gaterade. Hopefully, we will have a nice crowd.
I also took time today to sign up for the Marathon 2 Marathon on October 18. The race starts in Alpine and runs to Marathon, Texas. It should be fun, but will require long distance training runs in the hottest months. Then, I will do the San Antonio Marathon in November.
Late this afternoon, I ran laps at the track and went to the trophy store to buy award ribbons for tomorrow's club run and to Walmart for bananas, water and Gaterade. Hopefully, we will have a nice crowd.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Relatively Cool at the Park
Relatively cool in the middle of June means it is still hot, but not the worst. It looks like the light and scattered rain in the area cooled things off a tad. Chris, Hans, Andrew and Karen Husband and I ran 4.5 miles. The new park police officer visited us for a long time after our run. Of course, we offered him Kool Aid.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
2,000 Done
This was my 2,000th consecutive day of running. Thanks to all my friends who came out this evening to run the Avenues 5K course with me and celebrate at my house afterwards. Running were Hans Jaeger, Katy Lampson, Christopher Wilson, Andrew and Karen Husband, Norman Langwell, Lavonne Zaiontz, Adrienne Langelier and Darren Grant. Joining us at the house was True and Esther Cousins, John Cook, Linda Jaeger and my son, Ben. Thanks to Marilynn for cooking a nice spaghetti dinner. The next party is on March 15, 2011, when I celebrate 3,000 days. Mark your calendar.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Snake-less Trail Run
Amy and I did 3.5 miles on the trails at the park this evening. After reading Curtis' blog entry yesterday, I expected to see some snakes. Maybe they only come out in bunches at night. In any case, we didn't see any.
Tomorrow will be my 2,000th consecutive day of running. If you want to run with me, be at the Avenue O track at 7 p.m. We will run the Avenues 5K. If you don't want to run my pace, print out a course map and bring it with you.
Spaghetti dinner at my house after the run.
Tomorrow will be my 2,000th consecutive day of running. If you want to run with me, be at the Avenue O track at 7 p.m. We will run the Avenues 5K. If you don't want to run my pace, print out a course map and bring it with you.
Spaghetti dinner at my house after the run.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Late Evening Run
I did not run until 7:30 this evening, so it was a little cooler and there was a lot more shade on the streets. I ran the 5-mile Tour de Huntsville course, which starts and finishes at the Avenue O track. When I passed the Lodge just off the downtown square, I stopped for about 30 minutes and visited with some friends who were hanging around the entrance. By the time I got back to the track it was nearly dark.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Father's Day
I had planned to do a longer run this evening when the temperature was cooler. Then, I found out we were having a family get-together this evening to celebrate Father's Day. So, I ran 2.7 on the roads about 5 p.m. when it was 95 degrees.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Losing the Saw Trophy
We had our inter-club competition with The Woodlands Running Club this morning at the Run the Woodlands 5K. The Seven Hills Running Club lost and we had to turn over the Saw Trophy. We still had a good time at the race and enjoyed the post-race breakfast at Skeeter's Mesquite Grill in The Woodlands. I ran 34:56. Guess my rest day yesterday did not help.
This evening, I attended the wedding of James Reynolds and Mariah Reynolds (no relation I am told) in Midway. Mariah is a member of the SHRC and has been running trails with us. They had a beautiful outdoor wedding on the family ranch.
This evening, I attended the wedding of James Reynolds and Mariah Reynolds (no relation I am told) in Midway. Mariah is a member of the SHRC and has been running trails with us. They had a beautiful outdoor wedding on the family ranch.
Friday, June 13, 2008
The Fawns Arrive

We have deer in our backyard everyday. Even though we have not named them, most appear on a regular basis and we have gotten to know them individually. We have not seen the pregnant doe for the last couple weeks. She returned this evening with her two new fawns. Now, we will watch them grow up.
Tomorrow is our Seven Hills Running Club competition with The Woodlands Running Club at the Run the Woodlands 5K. I know that this may be scary for the TWRC, but I rested today in preparation for the big race. I ran one mile at the track.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Group in the Park
Amy, Norman and I ran 3.5 miles in the park at 6 this evening. I ran into Gerald Peters on the trail and talked to him briefly. Hans, Chris, Curtis, Brian and Josh started their run earlier and were finished when we got back. We all got hydrated and then went home.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Busy Day
I drove up to Tyler early this morning for a funeral at 10 a.m. After the funeral, lunch and visiting with my family, I drove back to Huntsville for another funeral at 6 p.m. Lavonne and I met at the track at 7:45 p.m. and ran the Avenues 5K course. I don't understand how a course that starts and finishes at the same point can be almost all uphill.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
2,000 is Near
I have a minor milestone coming up with my running streak. Next Wednesday, June 18, will be my 2,000th consecutive day of running. You are welcome to join me. I'll run the Avenues 5K course at 7 p.m. The course starts and finishes at the track on Avenue O. After the run, you are welcome to come to my house for refreshments.
Today was 1,992. I ran 2.7 on the roads.
Today was 1,992. I ran 2.7 on the roads.
Monday, June 9, 2008

I was a little surprized to receive a box in the mail today from the Surfside Beach Marathon. Inside was a nice Surfside Beach Marathon pewter serving tray. As the accompanying letter explained, I won it as a respondent to their online post-race survey. Guess I'll start answering more online surveys.
I have done that marathon three years in a row and I'll do again next February. I know some others who say they will never do it again. I like being able to park on the beach near the start/finish, relatively few runners and no noisy spectators. And, the hard-packed sand is easier on the feet and the joints.
I have done that marathon three years in a row and I'll do again next February. I know some others who say they will never do it again. I like being able to park on the beach near the start/finish, relatively few runners and no noisy spectators. And, the hard-packed sand is easier on the feet and the joints.
After working out at Nautilus this evening, I ran 2.7 miles on the roads.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Five on the Road
After eating Mexican food after church and then having a couple beers with Hans at his place in Conroe, I went back to Huntsville and ran 5 miles on the roads. It was hot, but I found some shady spots.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
In between social engagements late this afternoon, I went to the track and ran laps. Back to the roads tomorrow.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Rainy Run in the Park
Amy and I ran trails at the park this evening. It was raining hard when we started and I was impressed that Amy showed up to run. She is no wimp. We did 2.3 miles and saw no wild animals, unless you consider horse flies as wild animals.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Summer in the Park
Amy, Lavonne, Norman and I ran trails this evening at the park. We were doing the 3.5 mile course, but Norman and Amy missed a turn (my fault) and ended up with a longer run. A snake hissed at Lavonne, Amy saw an armadillo, a deer ran across the trail in front of me and I got chased my some horse flies. In other words, it's summer in the park.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Amy's Back
Amy Lanham emailed me and wanted to run trails this evening. She injured her foot at home a couple weeks ago and has had to lay off running. We did 2.3 miles and she was okay.
I received my Texas Marathon Challenge jacket today from Soler Sports in San Antonio. Beautiful jacket, but they sent a medium rather than an extra large. Maybe they looked at my times and are trying to tell me something.
I received my Texas Marathon Challenge jacket today from Soler Sports in San Antonio. Beautiful jacket, but they sent a medium rather than an extra large. Maybe they looked at my times and are trying to tell me something.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Loop Around Town
Even though it was rather warm, the humidity seemed to be down today. I ran 3.5 miles on the streets around town this evening. It is between the spring and summer sessions at SHSU, so the traffic is lighter than usual.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Don't Feel Like Running
I put off running until about 6 this evening. I told Katy yesterday that I was going to do a long run in town today. I got to the track and decided that I just don't feel like running today. Of course, the streak over-rode that feeling. I thought about just running a mile at the track. Instead, I took off on what is becoming a regular 2.7-mile course around the campus. I deviated somewhat, so maybe it was more than 2.7. While on the sidewalk on the northside of the soccer field, I ran through a swarm of bees or hornets, I'm not sure which. Luckily, they were not mad or hungry.
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