Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Trails open again

 They opened about 3.5 miles of trails at Huntsville State Park this week.  I met up with the group at the park this evening.  I ran 1.9 miles on the trails and then 1.3 on the roads, for a total of 3.2 miles.  Just as I finished, I remembered that I was suppose to do a short run today because of the leg surgery yesterday.  In any case, I survived.  While much work has been done to open  the trails, they are much tougher than before.  Exposed roots everywhere and lots of mud on the segment along the lake.  The long bridges at the end of the lake, which I ran across when doing those 4-miles runs and runs around the lake, are wiped out.  It will be months before they are rebuilt.

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