Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Messed up

 I went out to the park early this afternoon.  I got 1.8 miles on the trails and tripped on a root and took a hard fall.  Did something to my back.  I struggled to get back to the trail head and got in my minimum 3.1 miles.  I thought after continuing to run, the pain would ease up.  It did not.  For the rest of the day, I have been taking Ibuprofen, laying on a heating pad, alternating with ice.  As I suppose other streakers do, I think about continuing my streak.  The minimum distance for the Streak Association is one mile.  Today, marked exactly 22 months of running at least 3 miles a day and about 14 months of at least 3.1.  I am suppose to run the 3.3-mile Milligan Summer Series Trail Run tomorrow night and this is the third summer that I have run all their races.  My plan for now is to go to the track tomorrow morning and see what running a miles feels like.  I know that back pain does not disappear quickly.

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