Saturday, July 14, 2018

Lunar Rendezvous 5K

I ran the Lunar Rendezvous 5K in Clear Lake part of Houston this morning.  The race was scheduled to be held at the Johnson Space Center as it has been for many years, but for some reason it was changed to a nearby church.  The course was through a nice neighborhood and around a lake.  Flat, but, as usual, hot and humid.  The heel hurt before and since the race, but it seemed to be numb during the race.  I finished in 42:51 and was 3 of 3 in the 75-79 age group.  I received a nice plaque, plus a 3 and 3/4 inch finisher medal.  Cannot believe some of the finisher medals now being given out for 5K's.  Got to visit with a lot of good friends at the race and made some new friends.

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