Thursday, June 29, 2017

Aided a biker

I met up with the group at the park this evening to run trails.  They all went in another direction and I went to run my normal 2.5-mile course.  I got to a park bench about 2 miles in the run and found a biker on the bench with a broken $7,000 bike.  He said that he was lost and dehydrated.  I was the first person he had seen in 3 hours.  He was only 2/10th of a mile from the nearest camping area.  I walked him to the camping area, where he was able to get water.  I ran a mile on the road back to the Nature Center and then drove back to where I left him.  Someone had driven him back to get his car and he was loading up his bike.  He had told me that he was an ex Delta Force member in the military and had just been laid off from his job in Houston.  He was really stressed out and I'm glad that I was able to help him.  I suppose I ended up running 3 miles.


Susan Sternberg said...

Wow! One hero helping another. Way to go, Ken!

Streaker said...

Thanks, Susan. Good to hear from you. Hope you are doing well.

Susan Sternberg said...

Thanks, Ken. Only thing I'm complaining about are the heat and humidity when I run or walk in the morning. Brutal! Glad your hip is feeling better.