Saturday, August 30, 2008
Other Two Walls Framed
I worked on my storage building all day. I finished framing the other two walls today and am very tired. I really did not feel like running this evening, but I did run laps at the track. Tomorrow is long road run day, hamstring or not.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Electrolyte Capsules Without Running

I worked most of the day on my new 10 x 12 storage building. Here is a photo of the progess. I found myself sweating more than I do when running. Besides taking on a lot of fluids to stay hydrated, I took three Electrolyte capsules while I was working. I guess they did their job; I felt fine. Just after I put away my tools for the day, a storm passed through and cooled things off a bit. About 7 p.m., I ran my 2.7 mile loop around town.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Football Season is Here
Busy day. I worked on construction of my new storage building most of the day. I took a break and went for treatments on my hamstring late this morning. It seems to be taking longer to heal than it did when I first injured it the first time over a year ago. I ran laps at the track late this afternoon before going to the SHSU football game with Eastern Central Oklahoma at 6 p.m. It was a blowout. Sam was up 52 to 0 at halftime. The final score was 58 to 14. I talked to Curtis at the track and then to SHRC member, Angie Burns, at the game.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Avenues with Lavonne
Lavonne and I ran the hilly Avenues 5K course at this afternoon. I had been working on my new storage building and I was already pretty beat. The concrete truck showed up this morning and I spent a lot of time on my knees trying to smoothen out the concrete and insert anchor bolts. Now, I have go vertical with the construction. I'm not sure why I need a storage building, when I have a big garage. For some reason, Marilynn thinks she should be able to park her car in the garage. I told the group at the park last night that I would be there this evening, so after running with Lavonne, I went out to the park. Mariah was the only one that showed up. She hit the trail to do the 3.5 mile course. Since I am not suppose to run trails for now, I hiked out until I ran into her coming back. I ran into Curtis Barton, who was biking. He said that Phillip Clark was running a 5 mile loop.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Following my Doctor's Suggestion
Because of my hamstring problem, my doctor suggested that I stay off the trails for now. I met the group at the park this evening, but while they were on the trails, I ran park roads. They were doing the 3.5 mile loop, so I did a little over 3. It was John, Veronica, Mariah and Stephen. Veronica ran some with us last year and is back after having her baby. Mariah has run with us before and Stephen is new in town. After we finished running, we ran into Len Hills, who had been out on the trails by himself.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Coming Back
I did 3.3 on the road this evening. It was probably not pretty, but the hamstring and lower back loosened up somewhat as I ran. With the marathon on October 18, I have a long way to go and a short time to get there. Aren't those words from an old Jerry Reed country song?
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Roads Now Busy
The SHSU students are back this weekend, so the roads in Huntsville are busy again. I pulled something in my lower back this morning. I am not sure what I did, but it was hurting this afternoon. The good news is that it took my mind off my hamstring and normal sore and stiff knees. I hate to think about running when I get old. I did 2.7 miles on the roads this evening.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
I ran the Heat Wave 5K in Huntsville in 37:29, a PW (personal worst). Colleen Spencer, a physical therapist, was running behind me for a while and she said that I was running with only 20 percent use of my knees. Since they are sore and stiff all the time, that did not surprize me. It was the hamstring that really slowing me down. The last seven 5K races I have run, my time was 34 something. So, I broke somewhat of a streak. I'm glad I got my run in this morning. It would have been difficult fitting one in this afternoon between the thunderstorms. It's back to the road tomorrow and then a treatment Monday on my hamstring Monday morning.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Squeezing in a Run
For being a retired guy, life is busy. I went to a funeral this morning and then changed my oil in my truck and did yard work. Then I had to run errands in town. My nephew from Tyler dropped in late this afternoon for a nice visit and then another friend dropped by. Before I knew it, it was nearly 8 p.m. I went over to the track and ran laps in a light rain. The cooler temperature was certainly welcome. I think my hamstring is ready for the club 5K run tomorrow. If Darren Grant does not need my help in putting on the race, I will go ahead and run it. Lavonne will be there, so maybe she will push me.
Road Run at the Park
I had another treatment on my hamstring this morning and then mowed my tall wet grass inbetween rain storms. My doc advised me not to run on the trails, so I went to the park this evening and ran a couple miles on the road. My hamstring felt better. The usual group was at the park running trails, Hans, Chris, John, Phillip, Marisa and Karen. Amy and her friend, Sketch, were there running a different course.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Back in Town
Marilynn, Ben and I returned from Tyler this evening. We attended my brother's visitation yesterday and funeral this morning. Since he was a Tyler firefighter for 46 years and the Assistant Chief for the last 25 years of his career, the Tyler Fire Department was at the visitation and funeral in force. In fact, at the cemetery, they had four large trucks with their lights on and three bag pipers. The family really appreciated the honor. Mickey's oldest son is a DPS sergeant in Palestine, so there were about 30 state troopers at the funeral. We will miss Mickey. His obtituary is here.
I went to the track and ran laps when I got home. The hamstring is a little better. I have an appointment at the Chiropractor tomorrow morning for a third treatment. I have not given up on doing the Marathon 2 Marathon on October 18. Heck, I don't think they have a time limit.
I went to the track and ran laps when I got home. The hamstring is a little better. I have an appointment at the Chiropractor tomorrow morning for a third treatment. I have not given up on doing the Marathon 2 Marathon on October 18. Heck, I don't think they have a time limit.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Checking In
Ben and I went to the Astros game yesterday. On the way home, I received a call that my oldest brother, Mickey, in Tyler passed away. I got in a run when I got to Huntsville and then Marilynn and I drove up to Tyler. I left Marilynn up there and came back this afternoon to get some things done in Huntsville. Ben and I are driving back up to Tyler tomorrow afternoon for visitation and the funeral on Wednesday. Mickey was a veteran of WWII and retired from the Tyler Fire Department 14 years ago. He worked there for 46 years, most of that time as the Assistant Chief.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Still Recovering
Ben called me at 6 a.m. this morning when he got off work. His car would not start. He got a jump and brought it over to my house. I ended up spending most of the morning working on his car. I also received several calls from Tyler, as my oldest brother, who will be 84 next month, is in ICU at the hospital. In anticipation of maybe having to drive to Tyler today, I went to the track in the early afternoon and did an easy, but painful, one mile run. I may go up to Tyler tomorrow.
I did watch the Olympic Marathon this evening. I am humbled by the fact that if I were participating, I would still be on the course. The winner was from Romania. Seven Hills Running Club member and marathon runner, Mihaela Mullin from Kingwood, is also from Romania. She has good reason to be proud.
I did watch the Olympic Marathon this evening. I am humbled by the fact that if I were participating, I would still be on the course. The winner was from Romania. Seven Hills Running Club member and marathon runner, Mihaela Mullin from Kingwood, is also from Romania. She has good reason to be proud.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Back from the Desert

Monday, August 4, 2008
Rehab Road Run
The ole hammy felt better today, so I hit the roads for 2.6 miles. Due to heat, injuries and stress, I have really been sluffing off lately with short runs. With the marathon coming up on October 18, I really have to start getting my distance up.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Gimpy Mile
My hamstring was burning today, so I went to the track this evening for a gimpy one mile run. Hopefully, tomorrow it will be better. The good news is that we finally got a little rain this evening.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Hamstring Acting Up
For some reason, my hamstring started acting up this morning. Does stress affect hamstrings? I did manage to get over to the track early this afternoon and do a painful one mile run. I have had a house full of people most of the day and every bed and couch and some of the floors are occupied tonight.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Stressed 2
Today was more stressful than yesterday. I survived and managed to get in 2.5 miles on the roads in town.
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