Sunday, September 15, 2024

Missed the storm

 I went to the park late this afternoon and ran 3.5 miles, all on the trails.  During the last mile, I could hear the storm approaching.  I managed to finish before it hit, but drove home in heavy rain.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Spindle Tree 5K Park Run

 I got early this morning and drove down to Magnolia to run the Spindle Tree 5K Trail Run.  Finished in 56:29.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Trip to Tyler

 I made a trip to and from Tyler today, so I did not get to run until later.  I went into town and ran 3.2 miles.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Fass Brewery 5K

 As usual for Thursday, I went down to Conroe tonight and ran the Fass Brewery 5K.  The crowd there seems to grow each week.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Followup appointment on my back surgery

  I had an appointment today with the doctor who did my back surgery on July 22.  Obviously, the pain has not gone away, even though I am not getting the sharp pains.  More surgery would be more invasive and would break my running streak.  So, he referred me to physical therapy.  Hopefully, that will help.  Maybe they can fix my sprained ankle, too.  I need to get back to my normal slow running.  I am tired of walkers passing me.  In the meantime, I ran 3.5 miles in town this evening.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Forced onto the trails

 I met up with the group at the park this evening, as usual for Tuesday.  I started running on the roads, but got unmercifully attacked by biting horse flies.  They are usually out only during May, June and July.  After being bit 8 or 10 times in just over a mile, I got on the trails to finish 3.3 miles.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Ran in town

 I planned to run at the park this evening, but I-45 was a big mess due to a bad accident on the north side of Huntsville.  So, I ran in town.  Got in 3.6 miles.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sunday at the park

 I made it out to the park this evening and ran 3.2 miles on the park roads.  With my ankle still hurting, I'll probably stay off the trails for a while.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Tunnel to Towers 5K

 I ran the Tunnel to Towers 5K in Cypress this morning.  Finished in 56:34 (48:00 last year).  This was my 40th race in 2024 (54 at this point last year).

Friday, September 6, 2024

Noon run in town

 I ran 3.1 miles in town at noon today, enjoying a little cooler weather.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Rainy Fass Brewery 5K

 As usual for Thursday, I ran the Fass Brewery 5K in Conroe tonight - the whole distance in a light rain.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Trip to Tyler

 I made the 2 1/2-hour drive to Tyler this morning.  Had lunch at my nephew and his wife's New York style pizza place, visited family for an hour and then drove back to Huntsville.  Then, I mowed the lawn and went into town and ran 3.6 miles.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Met up with the group

 I met up with the group (only me and Jason) at the park this evening.  I ran 3.2 miles on the roads.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Labor Day 5K

 I ran our club's annual Labor Day 5K in the very hilly Spring Lake Sub-division.  My ankle bothered me a lot, especially on the steep downhills.  I finished in a slow 1:02:17.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sunday Night 5K

 I ran the Sunday Night 5K in The Woodlands this evening.  Finished in 56:07, four seconds faster than last month.  I guess that back surgery is helping.  My ankle was sore, but tolerable.