Sunday, May 19, 2024

Day did not go as planned

 I had to go to Houston this afternoon.  After church, I got in a mile at the mall parking lot, with the intention of running more at the track late tonight after getting back from Houston.  While in Houston, a beekeeper was suppose to remove a beehive from the tree in my front yard.  He showed up about 9 p.m. just after I got back from Houston.  My grandson went outside barefooted and stepped on a bee and got stung.  Somehow, in all the commotion, I did something to my ankle.  I figured it was a pinched nerve and would be okay after I started running.  I got to the track at 11 tonight and ran one painful lap.  I decided not to risk making it worse.  So, the streak is alive with 1.2 miles today.

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