Thursday, December 18, 2008

3.5 on the Trails

I went out to the park this afternoon and ran a 3.5 mile loop. No trips, falls or sprained ankles. The park has been closed for the last day and a half for squirrel hunting. Ironically, the only animal I saw during my run was a squirrel. Lucky guy.


Adrienne Langelier, MA said...

Squirrels? I saw deer corn laying around everywhere when I was out.

Streaker said...

I dunno. Maybe they put out corn for the squirrels too. I did not see any corn on the trails today.

Streaker said...

I dunno. Maybe they put out corn for the squirrels too. I did not see any corn on the trails today.

Curtis said...

There is a lot of corn out there for the deer hunts. Ken is right that this first hunt was for squirrels though. The remaining hunts (of which there are FAR too many -- I'm not anti-hunting, I just want to run) are for deer.