Thursday, March 26, 2009
Almost Tapered
With the Bataan Marathon on Sunday, I am almost tapered. My long training run was the Seabrook Marathon almost two weeks ago. I did 2.8 miles around town this afternoon. The next couple days, I will do even shorter runs. I have to be rested for the sand - and wind. I received an email from the race today and they warned of strong winds during the race, with gusts up to 51 mph. This should be fun.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Avenues Before the Storm
The group met this evening to run the hilly avenues. The group included our friend, Mihaela Mullin from Kingwood, who is training for Boston next month. She drove up to Huntsville just for the hill training. I'm glad she made it today before the storm came through. Curtis, Jason, Ron, John, Colleen and Andie were also running. Since I am cooling it for the marathon on Sunday, I did just 2.8 miles. I ended up going to Nautilus late tonight.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Rainy Day
I spent most of the morning clearing brush and burning it. Got it done before the rain. I had a working lunch with Meagan Lee of the Alpha Delta Pi Sorority to complete the race results from the Ronald Run for a Reason 5K last Saturday. I got to the park a little late this evening and the group was already on the trails. I was not sure which course they were running, so I improvised and ended up doing 3 miles. There was an off and on light rain during my run, but the trails were in good shape. When I got back, Phillip, Curtis, Andie Ho and the new guy, Jason, were waiting at my truck. They had done the 4.2 mile course. After a shower and dinner, I went to Nautilus to do my thing there. I am getting a little apprehensive about the marathon in New Mexico next Sunday. I have run marathons on concrete, asphalt, beach, trails and crushed rock, but never in the desert. However, if Hans, John and Chris can do it, I sure can too.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Life Expectancy
Someone sent me a link to a Life Expectancy web site. Click here. You have to answer 30+ questions and then you get your virtual age and life expectancy. I'm not sure how accurate it is, and I won't know for a long time. According to the site, I will live to 94. Marilynn will live to 93. I told her that I was getting remarried for that last year.
A bunch of ran trails this morning. I did 6.3 miles. Also running was John, Melissa Stelter, Curtis, Phillip, Ron Davis, J. C. and Felix. Brian Zemilca and Leslee Cade from the club were also at the park running and biking. Robert Duncan was there biking. Mary Ann Davis was also there hiking while we were running. Hans left this morning for a liesurely drive to New Mexico for the Bataan Marathon next Sunday. John is flying out there Friday and I'm driving out on Friday.
A bunch of ran trails this morning. I did 6.3 miles. Also running was John, Melissa Stelter, Curtis, Phillip, Ron Davis, J. C. and Felix. Brian Zemilca and Leslee Cade from the club were also at the park running and biking. Robert Duncan was there biking. Mary Ann Davis was also there hiking while we were running. Hans left this morning for a liesurely drive to New Mexico for the Bataan Marathon next Sunday. John is flying out there Friday and I'm driving out on Friday.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Long Day
I got up early this morning to set up the finish line for the Ronald Run for a Reason 5K on the SHSU campus. They ended up with well over 150 registered runners, which is good for their first year. It was good to see my friends at the race, to include Donna Crocker and Loren Sheffler from Houston and Leif Skyving, visiting from Idaho. I had a lot of other things to do today, however, I did get out to the park this afternoon and run a 3.5 mile loop. There were tons of hikers and bikers on the trails, on spring break, I suppose.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Getting Ready for the Race Tomorrow
I'm helping the Alpha Delta Pi Sorority put on their Ronald Run for a Reason 5K on campus tomorrow morning. We got the race equipment out and ready to go. Julie and I drove the course one more time this evening to make sure they know where to place the signs. It looks like they have done a great job in the putting the race together and they already have 150 signed up. I ran trails this evening with Hans, John, Lavonne and Jan Parks. We did 4.2 miles. Curtis and Phillip started earlier and finished up just before us. My son, Ben, went to the SHSU baseball game tonight and called me to tell me that Seven Hills Running Club member, Sara Seale from North Zulch, was there. Sara graduated a couple years ago and has maintained her club membership. I made it to the game for the last inning and visited with Sara. She is doing well and hopes to end up in Huntsville in another year. We will see her for sure at the Polish Pickle 5K in Bremond in June.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Sunmart Replacement Race
According to my contact with Roger Soler Sports in San Antonio, they were contacted by several companies wanting to sponsor a replacement race for Sunmart. The plan is that Roger Soler Sports will put on the replacement race, using a new sponsor. It will be on usual Sunmart date in early December and the usual 50K and 50-mile distances. A big meeting is planned next week and they will know more after that. Stayed tuned here for more details.
After a busy day of yard work, I went to Nautilus and then ran a 2.9 mile loop around town.
After a busy day of yard work, I went to Nautilus and then ran a 2.9 mile loop around town.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
City Hills
Julie Fike of the Alpha Delta Pi Sorority and I met at 1 p.m. today to do the final measurements on their Ronald Run for a Reason 5K this Saturday. The course will be similar to the Huntsville 5K course, but different. They should have a good crowd. As of a few days ago, they had 89 signed up. I will help with the finish line on Saturday. Later this afternoon, I went to Nautilus and then ran "city hills" (the avenues) with the group. We had a large group today, including Mihaela Mullin, who came up from Kingwood to run hills to prepare for the Boston Marathon next month. She got her gas money's worth. Since I am recovering from the marathon on Sunday and tapering for the next one in a week and a half, I took it easy and did about 3.5 miles.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Tapering Time
It was back to the park this evening. After a quick workout at Nautilus, I went out to the park and ran 4.2 miles on the trails with Hans, John, Ron and a new guy, Jason. The trails are really in good shape after the recent rains. I suppose it is time to start tapering for the Bataan Death March Memorial Marathon in New Mexico on March 29. That's one thing about running another marathon in two weeks, it is not necessary to do a long boring training run.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Recovery Day
Except for a sore right knee, I felt okay by later today. I did a 2.5 mile loop on the trails at the park this evening. After my run, I ran into Curtis and Phillip. We visited for a while and talked about running and stuff.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Seabrook Lucky Trail Marathon

Friday, March 13, 2009
Resting Up
I am resting today and tomorrow for the Seabrook Marathon on Sunday. It was cold and raining late this afternoon, so I went to Nautilus and ran one mile + on the treadmill. That's the first time I've done that in over a year. I could not imagine running distance on a treadmill. I have to get out and dodge traffic and trip over roots on the trails
Thursday, March 12, 2009
No More Sunmart
The Sunmart web site officially announces that the Sunmart Texas Trail Endurance Run at the Huntsville State Park will no longer be held. That's bad news. The race has been held for the last 19 years and I have done it for the last 13. Speaking of the park, Lavonne and I ran a 5-mile loop at the park this evening. Even with the recent rain, the trails were in good shape. Curtis and Phillip were finishing up their run when Lavonne and I arrived.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Avenues 5K
Thank goodness the rain today washed some of the pollen away. My head is still stopped up, but I did not do all the sneezing and coughing. Norman and I ran the Avenues 5K this evening.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Large Group on the Trails
Seems like everybody showed up for a trail run this evening at the park. We did the 4.2 mile loop. Norman and I ran together. I felt fine, except for my sinus problem. Hopefully, the rain tomorrow will wash away the pollen. I sure want to clear up my sinuses before the marathon on Sunday.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Texas Independence Relay Report

I got up at 2 a.m. on Saturday and drove down to Spring with Norman Langwell, Adrienne Langelier, Natali Davis and Melissa Stelter to meet up with our team leader, Jon Walk. We left his house in a van and drove down to Gonzales for the start of the Texas Independence Relay. I was on one of two 11-member Battling Bloggers of the Texas Republic teams. Our team started at 8:04 a.m. The whole team ran a 1.2 mile loop around Gonzales. This is called the "Prologue" run. After that, we divided up into two vans, six in ours and five in the other. Runners from our van ran the first six legs. We headed east for the 203 mile run to San Jacinto. My first leg was number 4 (4.66 miles) and most of it was on a rough gravel road with a strong wind in my face. It ended in Shiner, home of the Shiner Brewry. My next leg was number 16 (5.88 miles) at 7 p.m. on Saturday. It was on the shoulder of a highway and ended in Columbus. Of course, it was dark and I wore lights, blinkies and reflectors. While the other team van were running their five legs, we went to a hotel, took a shower and slept for one hour. Our van picked it up for the next six legs. My next leg, and my last, was number 27 (6.51 miles) and was on the shoulder of a highway. Including the prologue run, I did a total of 18.2 miles. I did not personally keep track of my time, but I think someone else did. I'm sure I ran fast. The two night runs were more pleasant, because it was cooler and the wind had died down. My van-mates were very supportive and appeared often during my legs to offer their encouragement, water or Gatorade. We finished up at the San Jacinto Monument Sunday evening. There were over 150 teams participating. I'm not sure where we placed, but who cares? We had a blast. Since you have to spend two days in van with sweaty runners and virtually no sleep, it is important to be with a good group. And, I did. We got back to Huntsville about 7 p.m. last night. Our team leader, Jon Walk, did a super job in organizing the team effort. I have headed relay teams in the past and I know how much work is involved. Thanks, Jon. After getting home, my first priority was to take a shower and sleep for an hour. I was too sleepy to blog last night, so this blog entry is for two days. The pollen is heavy now and my allergies have been acting up big time. Since my last run was at 4:30 a.m. yesterday, my legs were well-rested. So, I did a 2 mile loop on the streets around the campus this evening. It's back to trails tomorrow. Next Sunday, I will run the Seabrook Marathon, which will give me the Texas Marathon Triple. The others were the Texas Marathon in January and the Surfside Beach Marathon in February.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Gotta get up at 2 a.m. tomorrow to head south for the Texas Independence Relay. Since I normally do not go to bed until 12:30 to 1 a.m., I will not get much sleep. I'll try for 10:30 p.m. and see what happens. My toe was better today, but I still only ran one mile at the track. I should be well-rested for the weekend. We lost one our team members, Edwin Quarles, so we will all have to take up some slack. Edwin's father is seriously ill and he needs to be with him. He will be in our thoughts and prayers as we run the relay.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Another Track Run
My big toe joint was still sore and stiff today, so I did another one mile run at the track this afternoon. It feels better tonight and I am confident that I will be okay for the Texas Independence Relay this weekend (Jon lets out a sigh).
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
I Need a Toe Truck
I am not sure what I did, but I woke up early this morning with pain in my big toe joint. It has been sore and stiff all day. I ran a limpy and painful mile at the track this evening. However, I've learned that pains that come on quickly seem to go away just as quickly. I'm doing 15.6 miles total this weekend at the Texas Independence Relay and am confident that I will be recovered by then. If not, I'll do a limpy and painful 15.6 miles.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Me and an Armadillo
I went out to the park this afternoon and ran a solo 7-mile loop. I never saw anyone else or anything else on the trail, except for one armadillo. I just can't waste this cool and dry weather hanging around the house. Before I started my run, I did run into Beth Caillouet, who just finished a trail run. She is a former club member and graduate student at SHSU, who moved to Mass. Beth was back here on business and had to revisit the trails at the park. Click here for a photo of her and I at the 2004 Austin Marathon. It was good to see her again. After the trail run, I went to the Sam Houston baseball game with Rice U. (Sam won) and then to Nautilus about 10 p.m.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Recovery Trail Run
Since it was the day after the Armadillo Dash Half Marathon, I ran 3+ miles on the trails with Mariah. Hans, John and Phillip finished up their longer run about the same time as we did. Mariah had to leave, but Hans, John, Phillip and I stayed around a while to get hydrated and solve some world problems.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Armadillo Dash
If I had not pre-registered for the Armadillo Dash Half Marathon in College Station, I probably would not have gotten out of bed at 4:30 this morning. It was cold and windy. The wind chill was 24 degrees at the 7 a.m. start. I dressed warm, but too warm when running with a tailwind. When running into the cold wind, I was glad to have on the extra clothing. I saw a lot of friends at the race. Natali Davis from the club was also running. Others from Huntsville were there, including Rachel Greene and Elaine Minton. I finished in 2:37:25, nearly a whole minute faster than last year.
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