Saturday, October 26, 2019

Streak challenge

Late last night, I started getting pain in my right heel.  It was extremely sore this morning and all day.  I realized that it was probably gout.  When I had it in the past, it was always in my big toe joint.  I have been taking a pill every day for years to avoid it.  However, one of the pills that the doctor told me to quit taking daily was that pill.  So, I spent all day, icing it, rubbing it with icy/hot, putting icy/hot pads on it and taking some of the pills that I had quit taking.  It was a challenge to get up at 7 p.m. tonight and go run.  I went to the track and ran one slow painful mile.  It feels a little better tonight.

1 comment:

Miles of the Journey said...

hanging tough still . Glad you were able to meet the challenge to get in the mile, Ken.