Thursday, January 31, 2019

Turned the corner

Today was the last day of wearing the sling after rotator cuff surgery on Dec. 20.  So, I will be able to start more rehab for my right arm and will be able to sleep in my bed for the first time since surgery.  However, I must say, however, that I was starting to get use to the recliner.  My sinus infection is now under control with antibiotics and no more head and ear aches.  When I woke up this morning, the pain and soreness in my hip was mostly gone, thanks to the cortisone shot yesterday.  I can now sit down and get out of a chair without pain and instability.  I can now even put on my own socks and shoe (my wife is really thankful for that).  I met up with the group at the park this evening and ran 2 miles on the park roads.  The lack of pain and stiffness really made me realize what I have been putting up with for the last month.  Thankful that I was able to keep my streak going.

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